
International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama in Tashkent

International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama in Tashkent
International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama in Tashkent
International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama in Tashkent

Among the Tashkent constructions of the last decade it is worth to visit the International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama. The caravanserai is a museum and a scientific center, where the history of the Great Silk Road, as well as items brought from excavation (in a specially equipped laboratory) are studied.

The International Caravanserai of Culture takes two buildings. In "A" building there is a library, which includes several thousand books and magazines on the Great Silk Road, archeology, architecture, art history, ethnography; a conference hall for symposia, round tables, meetings, master classes, lectures, classes; offices of administration, researchers, art historians. The building "B" includes a large exhibition hall and a lobby, where opening days, celebrations and concerts are held. The offices for employees are on the first floor. On the ground floor there are two exhibition halls with the expositions of the collection "Rarities of the Great Silk Road", where artifacts from excavations of the expedition of the International Caravanserai archaeological monuments of Uzbekistan are presented. There are the presented collections of ceramics and paintings of foreign countries.

In addition to all of the above, one should notice that in the International Caravanserai of Culture named after Ikuo Hirayama there is the Garden of Friendship, in which evergreen cypresses and other different trees planted by eminent politicians grow. Also here is the "Peace Stone of Hiroshima" with an engraved image of a woman. This stone slab was once a road surface in Hiroshima. But today it is a token of peace on the planet.

In between the sights of antiquity, you can look in Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Cultures in order to learn something new for yourself. We draw your attention to the line of Uzbek tours from Peopletravel.

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