Dakhma-yi Shahan
The shrine of kings
Dakhma-yi Shah (Shrine of kings) is a burial place of Narbutabiya and his descendants. It was built in 20-ies of the XIX century and is located in Kokand.
According to a prominent poet Uzlata Kokand, after the death of Amir Khan of Kokand on the orders of his wife Mahlar-Ayim (Nodira) this complex was built domed room in necropolis, lined with majolica, mosque, quince and special burial chamber (dakhma).
The pattern of this complex clearly identified chiaroscuro of the architectural forms that varied with 3 colors (blue, red and white), especially tambourines input arches and gall - tier yards.
Mainly it consists of two simple geometric shapes - a square and a circle, as if repeating at different scales the main outlines of buildings. Experts say that the best way to watch a game of light and shadow in the moonlight.
Archaeological study of this necropolis showed that the first building dates back to the period of XII-XIV centuries. Skilled Kokand masters constructed dome of this mosque with the principles preserving ancient traditional architectural forms of such buildings.
This necropolis represents unique characteristics of the Kokand’s craftsmen of those times. Here is now one of the popular places of tourist’s visits. Now Dakhma-yi Shahan is a historical and archaeological monument that is under state protection.
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