
Туры в Нураты

Indescribable fresh air, constant bird singing, fascinating sunset, babbling mountain stream, scent of flowers, friendly people, the sky full of stars at night ... all this and even more you can find in bewitching Nurata.

Away from the major industrial centers, the town from legends of ancient oasis lives his unhurried measured life. The simplicity and hospitality of the people can leave lasting impression for many tourists and pilgrims who annually visit this beautiful little town. Nurata is really bright radiant place.

Savour this amazing city with Nurata tours.


Descended from the pages of Oriental tales with Nurata tours

A lake in the desert is not a mirage, but the real miracle of nature, called Aiydarkul. The fact that in the south-eastern edge of the Kyzil-Kum desert appeared crystal clear lake is very mysterious.

The ancient city of Nur is located in a beautiful area dominated by the mountain range that expands to the Kyzyl Kum Desert.

We recommend you to visit the ruins of the citadel on top of a hill, built by Alexander the Great that keeps the spirit of that distant past.

Another place that attracts pilgrims from over the world is the source Chahsma, miraculously formed when Hazrat Ali hit the ground, from which gushed the water.

There are also the mosques and museums of the tenth century that keep the chronicles of history and local culture, through the exhibition of costumes, tools and pottery.

Nurata tours will open medieval spirit of the East.

Lasting impression of travel to Nurata

Time seemed frozen in this small area of pristine nature. Its inhabitants are building houses out of small and medium-sized stones - pieces of craggy rocks and clay.

Each family has its own cattle, though not big, but providing the whole family with eggs, milk, meat and fleece.

Walking through the village gives the impression that it was on the excavation of a unique, well thought out, but the ancient town.

Discover fantastic landscapes, nature of bewitching oasis and unrivalled sunsets of the travel to Nurata.


Туры по Узбекистану

Туры по Узбекистану

Города Узбекистана

Путеводитель по Узбекистану

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