

Нурата – один из удивительных городов Узбекистана, расположенный в Навоийской области. Если вы посетите этот край прославленных мастеров животноводства, край фольклора, дружелюбных, трудолюбивых людей, вы будете по-настоящему впечатлены этим городом из восточной сказки. О возникновении города существует волшебная легенда. Много лет назад люди заблудились в пустыне. Они не знали, как добраться до своего города, устали и хотели пить. Однако через два дня в пустыне они нашли единственную надежду на спасение. Это был луч света. Слово «нур» можно перевести как «луч». Они вернулись домой и основали там небольшой городок – Нур-Ата.

Туры в Нурату

Достопримечательности Нураты

One of the most attractive historical places to visit is a Nurata fortress. In fact, in 327 BC Alexander the Great on the site built a fort, which was called Nur, to this day remains of this fortress. Here are preserved the holy places, which attract visitors from all over Central Asia.The majestic castle in Nurata preserved to the present time the form of ruins. The castle was built by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. It was used as a strategically important building between the wild steppes and farming areas. Now the ruins of the Fortress are significant archaeological sites of Uzbekistan.

Among the Muslim special place shrines a holy mineral spring, this is located on the outskirts of Nurata. According to the legend, the history of the source says that the son of the Prophet MoohammadHazrat Ali struck hisstaff on the groundin order to give water to people and in this place gushed.

Chaschma complex combines a well with the source, the Jumamosque and Mausoleum Nur-Ata. Source is considered holy. Constant water temperature reaches 20 degrees. Scientists discovered in the water for 15 trace elements: gold, silver, bromine, iodine etc.

Sightseeing of Nurata can bewitch every visitor of this fascinating place.

In the spring "Chaschma" there are hundreds of fish that provide the cleanness of water. The complex of religious buildings "Chaschma" consists of aspring, a well, Juma (Jammu and Chilsutun) mazarNur-ata and a cad (bath). There are also the ruins of the time swollen walls of the ancient citadel Nur Ata. Not far from the source is an ancient bazaar that is unique in its oriental atmosphere. In the village of Nur, located at the foot of a hill, there is an ancient graveyard of people who according to the legend have seen theProphet Muhammad. In the 10thcentury in the village there was a mosque and many fortifications. There alsolocated many sacred graves to which worship pilgrims from Bukhara and other places. The torrent of pilgrims to the Holy SepulchreMazaar does not run to this day.

История Нураты

The history of this ancient city has two goals. This is truly an ancient monument has been preserved to this day.

The political history of Nurata filled with numerous conquests of the neighboring countries and internal feudal strife. First of all, Khorezm waged fierce war against the Khanate of Bukhara to establish its rule across Central Asia. In turn Bukhara also sought hegemony in the region and was fighting with the Nurata Khanate. At the end of XVII century Khorezm was temporarily attached to the Khanate of Bukhara.

Фотогалерея Нураты


Города Узбекистана и Туры

Города Узбекистана

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