
В окружении высоких гор, в прохладе Кашки-Дарьи, под палящим солнцем, в древней земле тенистого сада, расположился древний город Карши. Могучие чинары, стройные тополя, хлопковые поля в обрамлении тутовых деревьев, весеннецветущие акации, запах дынь на базаре, ощущение старинных восточных сказок – все это останется в памяти тех, кто когда-либо бывал там. Путешествие в Узбекистан имеет некую историческую тайну, завораживающую достопримечательностями этой восточной страны. Довольно редко в Азии можно встретить такое разнообразие пейзажей и неизгладимые пережитки прошлого. Почувствуйте средневековый дух, хранящий уникальность этих мест, и воспользуйтесь возможностью совершить поездку на верблюде по пустыне.
Достопримечательности Карши
История Карши
Karshi history
History of Karshi is sufficiently capacious dated 7 BC. That is why Karshi is considered one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan. And from the beginning of its foundation Karshi always attracted the attention of conquerors that entered on the lands of modern Central Asia.
Ancient sources on the history of Uzbekistan are the holy book of the Zoroastrians 'Avesta' that tells about the culture of the first state associations in Turan is ancient Bactria, Sogdiana, Khorezm.
The following sources include the inscription of Behestunsk found in near the modern city of Kermanshah in Iran. It was written by order of the Achaemenid king Darius I, in three languages, Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian, but it was not listed in the conquered nations and peoples of Turan, including Sogdiana, Bactria and Khorezm. Already in the 5 BC "Father of history" Herodotus wrote a book calling it "history" that is, the science of the past, and it brought a great story about Uzbekistan. Behind him in Iv.do BC "Father of geography" Strabo wrote work "Geography", there is information about the results of Turan. At the end of the beginning of the II-Ib. BC ancient Chinese historian Sima Jian wrote his work, which is called "Historical Records". In it, he spoke about the ancient states existed on the territory of modern Uzbekistan.
Magnificent cult architecture, picturesque mountains, sumptuous bazaars and hospitable people - this does not leave anyone indifferent.
Фотогалерея Карши

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