
Туры в Каракалпакстана

The territory of modern Karakalpakstan is an "archaeological reserve", which today has numerous ancient artifacts. The first archaeological remains relate to the time of the Stone Age. Moreover, the history of the formation of this state is full of events which influenced the development of Uzbekistan and neighboring regions. In this region still preserved unique monuments of bygone civilizations such as settlement Tuprak-Kala, Janbas-Kala and Ayaz-Kala fortresses. Here is also located an archaeological complex Mizdakhan that includes numerous historical monuments and is situated in the square with three hills that surround it. Some scientists believe that Mizdakhan is a city of Mizda, mentioned in the holy book of Zoroastrism "Avesta". Here you can see the ruins of the majestic buildings.


Туры по Узбекистану

Туры по Узбекистану

Города Узбекистана

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