

Surrounded by high mountains, there is an ancient city of Karshi situated in the hot sun in the ancient land of the shady garden in the cool of the Kashka - Daria. Mighty plane trees, slender poplar, cotton fields in the frame of the mulberry trees, spring flowering acacia trees, the smell of melons at the market, the feeling of ancient oriental tales - all this will remain in the memory of those who have ever been there. Travel to Uzbekistan has a certain historical mystery bewitched by the sights of this oriental country. Quite rare in Asia you can find such a variety of landscapes and ineffaceable relics of the past. Sense the medieval spirit that store uniqueness of these places and take the opportunity to have a Camel trip through the desert.

Достопримечательности Андижана

The only building that survived during the earthquake in 1902 is the Friday mosque with the minaret and madrassah (religious school) Jami. The structure impresses with its size. Andijan Museum of Local History has a rich collection of various exhibits (about 70 thousand), relating to archeology, ethnography, fine arts and applied arts. 

Andijan people piously honor the memory of their great countryman. The equestrian monument of Babur is erected in the core city.  The university, the library and one of the streets are named after his name. On the hill Bagishamal, where, according to the author of Babur-name, there was his hujra with aivan, the Babur national park with a majestic architectural complex is located. There are more than fifty varieties of fruit and ornamental trees.

The central park named after Alisher Navoi also attracts visitors. Its distinguishing feature is the café, which is under the wing of the monumental sculpture of the happiness bird "Semurg",. In the old part of Andijan, travelers are attracted by the memorial museum of Babur, the Khozhar Noib madrassah, built in the 14th century.

Andijan is famous for its masters in ceramics and artistic chasing. The gold and silver ornaments of Andijan masters are known far beyond its borders. Uzbek national knives and daggers, gracefully embroidered scarfs and skullcaps, national shoes and handmade dolls are excellent souvenirs for the memory of Andijan and Uzbekistan.

История Андижана

Origin of the name of Andijan city

   There are various attributions of the city origin and its name. In one of them it is asserted that the city bore the name of the daughter of Khan Afrasiab - Adizhan. In other legends it is told that the first part of the word – “Andi” - means the name of the city’s founder, and the second part – “zhan” means “soul”.

   There are other assumptions. So, in the medieval highway "Hududal-ollel" ("Borders of the World") Andukan is mentioned. Scientists unanimously identify ancient Andukan with Andijan. "A Brief History of the Kakand Khanate" by V.P. Nalivkin tells that the name Andijan came from the Uzbek tribe “Andi” that once settled in this region.

Фотогалерея Андижана


Города Узбекистана и Туры

Города Узбекистана

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