Tashkent airport

International airport of Tashkent, or Tashkent Yujniy (Southern) is one of the largest airports in Central Asia. The airport is advantageously located, as a great deal of air routes from CIS countries to Europe, America and South-Eastern Asia pass through it.
Tashkent airport is within the precincts of a town, not far from its center.
There are two takeoff and landing strips in Tashkent Airport. On both strips there are two courses of landing, which can receive all kinds of aircrafts, exploited around the world. No wonder that airlines from France, Israel, Scandinavia, Britain and South Korea choose exactly Tashkent for the place of landing their cargo planes in transit from Europe to Asia.
Tashkent airport in Uzbekistan has a huge throughput capacity (more one thousand of people an hour).
The air station of Tashkent Airport is modernized with modern equipment and one of the most comfortable airports in the world. All preconditions for passengers are provided in Tashkent airport. They are hotel, waiting lounge, international phone communication, Duty Free shops, exchange offices, luggage service, enquiry position, information board, restaurants, bars, coffee bars, VIP- and CIP halls, playgrounds for children and roomy twenty-four-hour car parks.
In March, 1923 the All-Russian society of air voluntary force "Dobrolet" was established. The Central Asian branch of this society launched training overhead lines in Uzbekistan.
Innovation became very important. After all, before from Tashkent to Almaty it had to get 15 days on horseback, and the way from Tashkent to Bukhara and Khiva on the caravan routes was very dangerous and held about a month! In summer of 1923, the works on the construction of main and emergency sites began.
The first technical and passenger flights were in May, 1924. The date marked the beginning of the civil aviation development in Uzbekistan.
The following ten years were characterized by the intensive introduction of aviation in agriculture.
Since the fifties the rapid ascension aviation began. It has been successfully introduced service of high-speed aircraft with turbojet engines, and the first helicopters appeared in the presence.
In the sixties the capital of Uzbekistan was joined the direct air links with such cities as Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Simferopol, as well as the cities of the Baltic states, the Caucasus, the far East.
In the seventies-eighties aviation of Uzbekistan was rapidly developing, large airports and complexes were built (including Tashkent airport), equipped with high-performance navigation and communication means.
Later Western European Airbuses A-310-300, Boeing - 757 and 767 reached new frontiers on the air line.
Tashkent airport in Uzbekistan was given the second category of International Civil Aviation Organization after its full reconstruction in 1995 1996.
In 2001, Tashkent airport complex was fully renovated. It allowed to become one of the biggest and comfortable airports. Tashkent airport is upgraded with the latest technologies and capable of high-quality service of passengers, and almost, of all types of aircrafts operating in the world.
Each year more than 2 million passengers use the services of Tashkent airport. Daily Tashkent airport receives and sends dozens of aircrafts. Increasing airport capacity and its transformation into a major transport air hub in Central Asia are in the future of the company plans.
Tourists and guests of Tashkent automatically visit Tashkent airport, because it is the gateway to Uzbekistan, country of ancient culture and traditions. And to get to know closer with Uzbek way of life and abundant history of this land you can within Peopletravel Company while booking a tour to Uzbekistan.
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