Shakhrisabz alley

Shakhrisabz alley – centralization of main Shakhrisabz sights.
Peopletravel Company is happy to offer the magnificent travel around Uzbekistan, mainly to Shakhrisabz where you will see 18 landmarks of the city included to the List of World Heritage of UNESCO.
In order to fully justify the name of the city Shakhrisabz - "Green City" (in the IV century Shakhrisabz belonged to the oasis Kesh) the Government of Uzbekistan decided to implement a large-scale reconstruction of the city and its landscaping. So for the celebration of the 680 anniversary of the birth of the statesman and commander Amir Timur, Shakhrisabz looks different with thousands of young trees, as well as a change in the architectural and planning appearance of the city.
Amir Temur Square and adjoining territory was extended. A new Shakhrisabz alley that linked the complex Aksaray with such historical monuments as Darus Saodat, Dorut Tillovat, Chorsu bazaar and Kok Gumbaz mosque was built. Instead of languishing under the scorching sun, filled with concrete squares shady parks and gardens appeared.
When making the Shakhrisabz alley a special attention was paid to the landscape design. Fountains, arbours, cultural places, which undoubtedly attract the attention of visitors, were built here.
On the central Shakhrisabz alley about 25 species of ornamental shrubs and a variety of trees were planted. They are magnolia, linden tree, tulip tree, oak, chestnut, black pine, sequoia tree and barberry.
Shakhrisabz alley history
During the construction works at the site of Shakhrisabz alley the residues of ancient road built at Amir Timur and the Timurids was discovered. As the story tells, the path started from the complex Dorut Tillovat, passed through the gates of Samarkand city, then the pass Takhti-Koracha led to Samarkand. On this pass there was the residence of the grandfather of Amir Timur - Korachor Nuyona who owned the territory of Kesh in the XII century. By the order of Amir Timur the way to the residence was cobbled. The length of the road was one kilometer in the city and 90 kilometers till Samarkand.
Historical sources indicate that between the complexes Dorut Tillovat and Darus Saodat there were two hauzes (basins). One of them was called Hauzi-Mardon and served not only for the storage of water, but also a means of maintaining of a favorable microclimate
Today the hauz is restored. Located next to the hauz for water storage - sardoba - was resurfaced. The territory around the hauz is decorated with flower beds. Various trees and flowers give this place, called Shakhrisabz alley, a special beauty. Near the hauz there are paths, five terraces - iwans.
At present, Shakhrisabz alley is a favorite vacation spot of townspeople.
Peopletravel Company insistently recommends you to visit Shakhrisabz alley and enjoy its beauty with its architectural appearance.
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