Zarafshan Reserve

Zarafshan Reserve is one of the oldest conservation areas in Uzbekistan, it was created in 1975 and currently its area reaches 2518 hectares. The reserve territory starts from Chopon-Ata heights and stretches in a narrow strip along the right bank for 46 km along the Zarafshan River.
Reserve lowland floodplain is tugay. Moreover, in the territory of reserve grows forty species of trees and artisanal forms. The purpose of its creation is restoration and preservation of the vanishing, beautiful pheasant, valuable medicinal buckthorn bush, riparian vegetation in their original form and research.
This area is not easily accessible, because of steep, beautiful high mountain peaks, deep gorges with crystal water streams. Along riverbanks grow birch groves very rich and diverse wildlife of this protected zone. Noteworthy element of the reserve is rightly considered rock carvings that depict hunting wild goats.
Zarafshan Reserve was created to preserve the unique natural ecosystems and typical nature areas with its unique biodiversity - the gene pool of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ancient sites and trace fossils of ancient man; for studying the processes occurring in nature, is not affected by the economic impact.
Elevation ranges distribute from 1,200 to 4,000 m above sea level. The whole area is located in the mountainous part of major river basins of the Zarafshan. This is an inaccessible mountainous terrain, where you can get laid only equestrian trails.
Like many thousands of years ago floodplain of Zarafshan settled by pheasant. In the reserve there are also foxes, jackals, hare tolai, kingfisher, white-winged woodpecker, small turtle black crow, rook, magpie, common starling, crested lark, field sparrow, and hobby falcon. When pheasants are approaching to fox or jackal, it raises such a noise that escapes the predator and the victim flies into the shelter. Zarafshan reserve and the surrounding areas are the only place in Uzbekistan, where buckthorn grows in the plains.
Visit this amazing place where you can explore the beauty and richness of nature protected here.
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