The Registan Square: most popular sight of interest in Samarkand

As a part of tours to Uzbekistan you can visit Samarkand city. I bet, if you heard something about Samarkand, you also heard about famous Registan Square. This Square has always been aesthetic, historical and cultural center of the city. It is really huge and colossal, especially for us, people of modern world: not even the architects of our time with all of the technologies are able to design and build something nearly so beautiful and charming. Samarkand sightseeing just can’t be without visiting the Square. Registan square got its name which means “sand place” because of the place where it was build: once the river dried out there and left much sand after itself. Astonishing ensemble of this Square includes three main parts, which are standing there for ages, silently looking at the city: 15th centurie’s Ulugbek Madrassah and 17th centurie’s Sher – Dor Madrassah and Tilla-Kari Madrassah covered with gold.
Many famous architects participated in designing and constructing these three gorgeous buildings. You will see them decorated with different patterns and pictures: the rising sun, lions running after the fallow-deer. Ulugbek Madrassah has repeating pattern. But the 17th centurie’s Sher-Dor and Tilla-Kari have only different patterns, all unique and priceless. Not to repeat each other’s designs, architects started to use in decorating letters, geometrical patterns and of course beautiful exotic crockets.
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