Tours à Samarkand
Самарканд – Шахрисабз – Гелан – Самарканд
High-mountain Gilan village - an immersion into rural life
Самарканд – Шахрисабз – Гелан – Самарканд
Experience the unique atmosphere of Gilan, one of the highest mountain villages in Uzbekistan, si...
Experience the unique atmosphere of Gilan, one of the highest mountain villages in Uzbekistan, situated at an altitude of 2,100 meters. For many years, this secluded corner was closed to visitors, allowing its residents to develop a self-sufficien...
Tachkent – Samarcande - Boukhara – Ourguentch (Khiva) – Tachkent
Voyage en train en Ouzbékistan - Trois
Tachkent – Samarcande - Boukhara – Ourguentch (Khiva) – Tachkent
- Veuillez noter, que le train Boukhara-Ourguentch pourrait être en arrêt en été. Dans ce ca...
- Veuillez noter, que le train Boukhara-Ourguentch pourrait être en arrêt en été. Dans ce cas le transfert sera faire en véhicule.
Tachkent - Ourguentch - Khiva - Boukhara — Samarcande - Tachkent
Départs garantis en Ouzbékistan
Tachkent - Ourguentch - Khiva - Boukhara — Samarcande - Tachkent
- Peopletravel garde le droit de changer les hôtels au...
- Peopletravel garde le droit de changer les hôtels au similaire en fonction de la disponibilité
- Départ garanti à partir de 4 personnes (de petit groupes de 14 personnes maximum)
Tachkent – Khiva - Boukhara - Samarcande – Tachkent
Cœur de l’Asie Centrale
Tachkent – Khiva - Boukhara - Samarcande – Tachkent
Le circuit d’une semaine de visite de quatre villes historiques de l’Ouzbékistan : Tachkent, Khiv...
Le circuit d’une semaine de visite de quatre villes historiques de l’Ouzbékistan : Tachkent, Khiva, Boukhara et Samarcande en peu de temps vous montre les plus fascinants endroits de l’Ouzbékistan : Registan, la forteresse Ark du 16e siècle, la ré...
Tachkent – montagnes de Zaamin – Djizak – Yangikishlak – Hayot – Sentob – lac Aydarkul – Nourata – Boukhara – Chakhrisabz – Samarcande – Tachkent
Circuits à vélo en Ouzbékistan
Tachkent – montagnes de Zaamin – Djizak – Yangikishlak – Hayot – Sentob – lac Aydarkul – Nourata – Boukhara – Chakhrisabz – Samarcande – Tachkent
- Peopletravel garde le droit de changer les hôtels en fonction de la disponibilité ...
- Peopletravel garde le droit de changer les hôtels en fonction de la disponibilité
- Location de vélo inclus le vélo VTT de marque Giant (Rincon ou Revel 1 à roue de 26 pouces), équipé de pièces de qualité Shimano, pièce...
Tachkent - Samarcande - Nourata - Boukhara - Khiva - Tachkent - Vallée de Ferghana - Tachkent
Mille et Une Nuits
Tachkent - Samarcande - Nourata - Boukhara - Khiva - Tachkent - Vallée de Ferghana - Tachkent
Notre circuit plus longue en Ouzbékistan incluant les villes antiques comme Samarcande, Boukhara...
Notre circuit plus longue en Ouzbékistan incluant les villes antiques comme Samarcande, Boukhara et Khiva vous offre non seulement programme de visites, mais aussi promenade aux dos de chameau, pittoresques de la vallée de Ferghana, l'hébergement...
Tashkent – Sentab – Bukhara – Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self Drive en Ouzbékistan Un
Tashkent – Sentab – Bukhara – Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route One
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route One
Tashkent – Sentab – Bukhara – Baysun – Termez – Shahrisabz – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self Drive en Ouzbékistan Deux
Tashkent – Sentab – Bukhara – Baysun – Termez – Shahrisabz – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route Two
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route Two
Tashkent – Sentab – Yurt Camp – Bukhara – Shahrisabz – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self Drive en Ouzbékistan Trois
Tashkent – Sentab – Yurt Camp – Bukhara – Shahrisabz – Samarkand – Tashkent
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route 3
Self-Driving in Uzbekistan Route 3
Tachkent – Boukhara – Samarcande – Tachkent
Tour 1
Tachkent – Samarcande – Tachkent
Tour 3
Tashkent - Khiva - Bukhara - Uhum - Samarkand - Shakhrisabz - Tashkent
Agro tour in Uzbekistan
Tashkent - Khiva - Bukhara - Uhum - Samarkand - Shakhrisabz - Tashkent
Agro tour in Uzbekistan
Agro tour in Uzbekistan
Frankfurt - Taschkent - Muynak - Nukus - Chiwa - Buchara - Nurata - Samarkand - Taschkent - Frankfurt
Eco tour in Uzbekistan
Frankfurt - Taschkent - Muynak - Nukus - Chiwa - Buchara - Nurata - Samarkand - Taschkent - Frankfurt
Eco tour in Uzbekistan
Eco tour in Uzbekistan
Tashkent – Bukhara –Djeynau – Shakhrisabz – Samarkand - Tashkent
Ethno tour in Uzbekistan
Tashkent – Bukhara –Djeynau – Shakhrisabz – Samarkand - Tashkent
Ethno tour in Uzbekistan
Ethno tour in Uzbekistan
Ташкент - Самарканд - Бухара - Хива - Нукус - Муйнак- Фестиваль «Стихия» - Ургенч
Stihia Beyond
Ташкент - Самарканд - Бухара - Хива - Нукус - Муйнак- Фестиваль «Стихия» - Ургенч
Ten days tour to Uzbekistan visiting most breathtaking architectural ensembles of the Great Silk...
Ten days tour to Uzbekistan visiting most breathtaking architectural ensembles of the Great Silk Road and cross through Kyzyl-Kum desert, stop over on bank of Amudarya river, ten days to feel yourself being dropped back several centuries ago, ten...
Urgench - Nukus - Muynak - Stihia Festival - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand
Stihia Trip
Urgench - Nukus - Muynak - Stihia Festival - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand
Ten days tour to Uzbekistan visiting most breathtaking architectural ensembles of the Great Silk...
Ten days tour to Uzbekistan visiting most breathtaking architectural ensembles of the Great Silk Road and cross through Kyzyl-Kum desert, stop over on bank of Amudarya river, ten days to feel yourself being dropped back several centuries ago, ten...
St. Petersburg - Tashkent - Samarkand - Bukhara - St. Petersburg
Eastern voyage from St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg - Tashkent - Samarkand - Bukhara - St. Petersburg
Eastern voyage from St. Petersburg
Eastern voyage from St. Petersburg
Moscow - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Moscow
Along the Great Silk Road
Moscow - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Moscow
Along the Great Silk Road
Along the Great Silk Road
St. Petersburg - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - St. Petersburg
A moment of the east
St. Petersburg - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - St. Petersburg
A moment of the east
A moment of the east
Moscow - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Moscow
Eastern voyage from Moscow
Moscow - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Moscow
Eastern voyage from Moscow
Eastern voyage from Moscow
Moscow - Samarkand - Tashkent - Moscow
Culinary duel in Samarkand
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