
Jizzakh is a town from oriental tales that bewitch every guest with its own silk production. When you visit this eastern town you can not only enjoy the unique chef-d`oeuvres of silk, but also to get acquaint with local people who will tell you about the life and history of Margilan better than any guide book. Beautiful scenery of the town of Golden Valley will leave unforgettable impressions and present moments of tranquility and peace, imbued with the atmosphere of mystery. This nature stores still vivid moments of the past. In Jizzakh region there are large reservoirs - rivers Zaaminsu, Sanzar; channel Eski Tuyatartar, with Turkestan and Nuratin ridges running down Achisai, Jalayir, Rawat and others.
Tours à Jizzakh
Circuits à vélo en Ouzbékistan
Tachkent – montagnes de Zaamin – Djizak – Yangikishlak – Hayot – Sentob – lac Aydarkul – Nourata – Boukhara – Chakhrisabz – Samarcande – Tachkent
Tourisme à Jizzakh
Galerie de photos Jizzakh

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