Issyk-Kul Lake

The pearl of the Tien Shan - Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. Issyk-Kul translates as "hot lake". The water temperature here does not drop to minus even in winter, so the lake never freezes. It is located at an altitude of 1,608 meters above sea level and ranks seventh in the list of the deepest lakes in the world. Issyk-Kul is a favorite holiday destination for Kyrgyzstanis. Also, the coast is visited annually by thousands of tourists from the CIS and other countries of the world. The hottest tourist season in Issyk-Kul lasts from mid-June to the end of August. In summer, the northern shore of the lake is the most attractive for tourists. The most popular tourist places of Issyk-Kul are the city of Cholpon-Ata, the village of Bosteri, Bulan-Sogottu, Chok-Tal, Sary-Oi and Chon-Sary-Oi. Also in summer you can go to Karakol (Przhevalsk). In winter, thousands of skiers and snowboarders go to the ski resort in Karakol.
Tours à Issyk-Kul Lake
Kirghizstan Circuit 1
Bichkek - Parc Naturel d’Ala Archa - Issyk Koul - village Kochkor - lac Son Koul - Chon Kemin - Bichkek
Kirghizstan Circuit 2
Bichkek - Parc Naturel d’Ala Archa - lac Issyk-Koul - Karakol - Djety Oghouz canyon - village Kochkor - Bichkek
Kirghizstan Circuit 3
Bichkek - Parc Naturel d’Ala Archa - lac Issyk-Koul - village Kochkor - lac Son Koul - caravansérail Tach Rabat - passage Torougarte - Kachgar
Galerie de photos Issyk-Kul Lake

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