
Old town`s Chorsu Bazaar

Old town`s Chorsu Bazaar
Old town`s Chorsu Bazaar
Old town`s Chorsu Bazaar
Old town`s Chorsu Bazaar

Chorsu Bazaar in Tashkent

Eski shahar (Old town) including Chorsu bazaar most famous farmer`s market in Tashkent under a big green dome. You can find and buy everything your soul is longing for here: brightly colored mountains of spices, candies, dairy products, bread, freshly slaughtered livestock, pomegranates, melons, persimmons, tomatoes and many others. If you claim yourself as souvenir hunter you should go visit special gift shops where one will find kurpacha, skull caps, chapans, knives and many other famous Uzbek souvenirs.

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