6 Tage


5 Nächte

6 Tage


5 Nächte

Klassische Reisetour nach Turkmenistan 1

Reisetouren 1


Reisestil Klassische Touren
Länder Turkmenistan
Route Aschgabat - Mary - Gonur Depe - Daschoguz - Aschgabat

Detaillierte Route

Arrival to Ashgabat, transfer to hotel and accommodation.Sightseeing tour outside of Ashgabat:Transfer to Old Nisa (UNESCO World Heritage Site), the earliest of Parthian Empire capitals, Kipchak village to visit a complex of the biggest mosque in Turkmenistan and the family mausoleum of the first President.LunchSightseeing tour of Ashgabat:Park of independence, Neutrality Square famous for its Arch of Neutrality topped by a rotating gold-plated statue of the first President of Turkmenistan, Earthquake Memorial, National Museum of History and EthnographyDinner

Besuchte Orte


BreakfastTransfer to Mary on the way visit city of Bagabad, featuring the citadel of an important Timurid-period centre and the ruins of the Seyit Jemaleddin mosque.Lunch.Arrival to Mary, and accommodation in hotel. Sightseeing tour of Mary, the capital of the present-day Mary region and the centre of the Murghab oasis, an archaeological Klondike of Turkmenistan.Dinner.

Besuchte Orte


BreakfastTransfer to Gunur Depecapital of Margush country in the past, arrival to important archaeological site, the centre of a remarkable Bronze Age civilisation, discovered in 1972Lunch en route.Transfer back to Mary, sightseeing of the city:visit local History Museum.Dinner.

Besuchte Orte


Breakfast.Transfer to Ashgabat, on the visit to Bayram-Ali archeological park (under Unesco), also visit VI-IX cc. AD forts of big and little Kyz-Kalas, the splendid XII c. mausoleums of Sultan Sanjar and Muhammed ibn-ZeydLunch.Visit to ruins of Abiverd, once an important trading town Arrival to Ashgabat and accommodation in hotelDinner.

Besuchte Orte


BreakfastTransfer to the airport for the flight to Dashoguz. On arrival, transfer to Kunya-Urgench for sightseeing. In Kunya-Urgench (UNESCO World Heritage Site), visit mausoleum of Turabek HanumLunch.Visit to mausoleum of Sultan Tekesh, minaret of Kutlug-Timur, mausoleum of Il-Arslan and a mysterious mound of Kirk-Mullah. In the afternoon, return to Dashoguz for the flight to Ashgabat.Dinner.

Besuchte Orte


Breakfast.Transfer to the Ashgabat International Airport, flight back home.End of our services ...

Besuchte Orte




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