Touren nach Darvaza
Aschgabat - Mary - Darwasa - Bokurdak - Daschogus - Aschgabat
Klassische Reisetour nach Turkmenistan 2
Aschgabat - Mary - Darwasa - Bokurdak - Daschogus - Aschgabat
Reisetouren 2
Хива – КПП Шават – Дашагуз – Дарваза (Газовый кратер) – КПП Шават - Хива
Darvaza - Gas Crater from Khiva
Хива – КПП Шават – Дашагуз – Дарваза (Газовый кратер) – КПП Шават - Хива
Discover a unique journey from the ancient city of Khiva to the mysterious Darwaza - the Gates of...
Discover a unique journey from the ancient city of Khiva to the mysterious Darwaza - the Gates of Hell. Passing through the Karakum Desert, you will reach Darwaza, a giant burning crater, which the locals call the Gates of Hell. This area is rich...
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