
Touren nach Andijan

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes, the city of Andijan is comfortably located in the Fergana Valley, its southeastern part. Andijan can be proud not only of its age, which is more than 2,000 years, but also the evidence that the member of the Timurid dynasty was born here. He was Zakhiredin Mukhamad Bobur, a well-known poet and great military leader who initiated the empire of the Great Moguls on the territory of ancient India.
Andijan is a major trade point on the Great Silk Road, the ancient handicraft center of the region.

Thanks to its location and many secrets that the city of Andijan is keeping, there are always a lot of tourists and history buffs here. Travelers go to Andijan to look at ancient monuments, enjoy nature or watch the manufacturing process of some kind of folk art, which Andijan is famous for.


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