Reise in Tadschikistan
Tour to Tajikistan can become one of the best ways to escape the rush metropolis. 93% of its territory is made up of mountains considered to be the most beautiful in the whole Central Asian region. The territory of Tajikistan is hardly touched by vanity of civilization with its overwhelming networks, neon adds, noisy cities and highways. After Soviet Union collapse the country immersed for some years into a gloom of civil war. But today peace reigns here.
Tadjik artisans are famous for their handmade items since long time ago. So you can purchase a small souvenir reminding of your Tour to Tajikistan.
Touren über Tadschikistan
Unvergessliche aufregende Touren
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Kategorien der beliebtesten Touren
Beliebte Tour der Woche
Reise zum Aralsee
Nukus - Aralsee - Mujnak - Nukus
Abenteuer ExtremtourenWarum reisen in Tadschikistan ?
During your Tour to Tajikistan you can visit one of the most ancient cities in Central Asia Sarazm and other regions. In some of them it is still spoken in sogdian dialect – ancient language of once very powerful kingdom. Tours to Tajikistan includes sightseeing tour to ancient monuments that have been preserved until today. One of the most amazing places of interest in Tajikistan is Gissars reserve. This is a territory of 86 hectares containing architectural monuments and archaeological finds of different epochs.
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