Memorial complex Zangi-Ota. Mystical charm of the antiquity

Memorial complex Zangi-Ota in Tashkent region
Mystical charm of the antiquity
Only 20 kilometers from the city center along the old road to Samarkand in the eponymous village of Tashkent region there is one of the most interesting historical and architectural monuments of XIV century - a complex of mausoleums Zangi - Ota.
It is the resting place of Sheikh Ai- Hodge (Zangi-Ota), a fifth of the murid of the great Sufi Khoja Ahmad Yassavi and spiritual student of the famous mystic poet Suleiman Khaki -ata Bakyrgani.
Real name of the saint buried is Ayhodzha ibn Mansura and in everyday life he was a shepherd that by in the tradition of the Sufis helped people to survive in difficult times. Sheikh had a reputation not only outstanding theologian, but also consummate sage of the great respect.
Construction of the mausoleum was ordered by Amir Temur immediately after the death of the Sufi in 1390 and was completed in the shortest possible time. Until today, the tomb had not been opened.
And now there is a white marble tombstone with Kufic inscriptions that are truly authentic and relate to the time of Amir Temur. Later during the reign of his grandson Ulugbek (1409-1449) the mausoleum was completed by decorating peshtak - central entrance.
Today mausoleum Zangi-Ota is a part of the architectural and religious complex, which combines the tomb of the saint, a huge garden, madrasas, memorial mosque and minaret. Due to such beautiful places your trip to Uzbekistan will be memorable.
Just a hundred meters from the mausoleum there is a cemetery that is adjacent to another place of worship - the memorial complex and mausoleum of Bibi - Anbar , his wife and an associate of the famous Sufi.
According to legend, Anbar -bibi is the patron saint of women and children, which is why pilgrims go to her grave to ask for a long-awaited offspring.
Time has not spared the mausoleum of a saint, but it has been meticulously restored to old uniqueness. People say that Zangi-Ota bequeathed to parishioners first visit the tomb of his wife and only then go to him.
Today Memorial Zangi-Ota is one of the most important works of the national architecture of the late XIV - XV centuries and is of great historical and art value.
Ancient portals, angular towers and domes cannot be compared with other architectural masterpieces. Being one of the most unique items of Tashkent sights this complex uses a broad popularity among visitors.
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