Urgut. Amazing beauty of the landscapes

If you like to enjoy the mountain scenery - come to Uzbekistan. At the foot of the mountains Zaravshan there is a historical town Urgutthat attracts a great interest as a major center of traditional crafts. This land with amazing beauty of the landscapes could create peculiar atmosphere that gets inside, takes up residence in the soul and emerges with warm memories.
The cultural diversity of Urgut
In Urgut is located the largest bazaar in Samarkand region for the sale of old and modern handicraft products. The main market days are Saturday and Sunday. Here you can buy carpets, hand embroidery (Suzanne), leather shoes, jewelry, art objects made of metal, ceramic ware, wooden chests.
Near there are the smithy, tin shops, stores of the national dress. Here you will find a lot of places where they cook basic meals of local cuisine - pilaf and manty.
Among the attractions Urgut there isa garden "ChorChinor" ("Four plane trees"), consisting of fifty ancient plane trees irrigated by the waters of the holy spring. The most ancient plane trees are in the coverage of up to 16 m.It is an awesome placefor a picnic.
In Urgut area is also located extraordinary number of attractions, historical, sacred or revered. Recently it was discovered the ruins of a medieval Christian monastery.
Urgut as a center of different religions
According to the tenth century Arab traveler IbnHawqalthis monasterywas a main center of the Eastern Church (Nestorian Christianity). In 1916 here was found a bronze censer stored since then in the vaults of the Hermitage. The archaeologists also discovered a Buddhist temple and a Zoroastrian sanctuary dedicated to the cult of the goddess AspamDarmatDisa.
The mountain trails lead away in the direction of the granite plateau ridge Karatepa. This whole country is fantastic rocks, over which reigns the wind and birds of prey - a huge bald vultures, almost motionless hovering between ragged clouds in updrafts of air.
It is said that in the spring this town are covered with countless red and yellow tulips, pink ferrule and eremurusas. The diversity of steppe grasses does not mask grim grandeur rock waves that stopped and frozen in bizarre forms of time.
Only narrow trickles of greencarpet have framed the foot of the granite installations. Coming here you will be able to escape from the town and everyday worries. The amazing and mysterious land of Uzbekistan waiting for you!
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