Qok-goombas mosque

At the end of XVI century when Abdullakhon II was a ruler there was big construction in Central Asia. At that time the mosque Qok-goombas was built in Karshi.
This mosque is specialized for praying in Ramadan Hayit. It means that people had gathered in the Qok-goombas twice a year. First is for the Ramadan second is for the Kurbon Hayit. The place which people pray were also called Nomozgoh. Ouwing to the praying there would be a lot of people for this reason the mosque were built out of the town and usually the walls were surrounded with Guzar or other.
The building consists of 3 parts. They are the main room and other two rooms. Its plan had the form of straight angle, and the its length was 38,25 meters. The sizes of short sides are not the same size. One of them is 14 meters and the second is 14,6 meters. The space of the main room is eight meters square. It is connected with the arching ways to the left and right sides. Each side has 4 rooms. The domes close to the left and right sides. Each side has 4 rooms the domes close to the tops of the room. The ceilings of the building are covered with interior domes its height is 14 meters. Inside building was painted with the blue, green and white colors and bricks of the same color were used there.
After the earthquake in 1898 the building took some break so nowadays you can't see the letters of the name.
15 meters away from the mosque anyone could see another building. It is shiypon and nowadays it almost destroyed by nature and time.
This mosque is the biggest and the greatest mosque which was built at the end of XVI th century. Having known Abdullakhan the scientists found that mosque was built in the XVI th century.
The dome of the building was damaged and now you can see a lot of bricks fallen from the walls. And so after that the mosque was rebuilt.
It still remains as the most important monument for the people of Karshi. It is well preserved because restoration works took place several times and were completed in 1982.
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