
Majestic springs of Kashkadarya

Majestic springs of Kashkadarya
Majestic springs of Kashkadarya
Majestic springs of Kashkadarya
Majestic springs of Kashkadarya

Dekhkanabad district of Kashkadarya region is surrounded by majestic mountains covered with evergreen firs. The clean mountain air of these places, transparent spring water is truly healing. This is probably why people are healthy, a lot of long-lived, and the old man with his staff - a rarity.

Dekhkanabad is also famous for its mineral springs. It has long been known for hydrogen sulphide spring Khojai Pok. The water in the lake is full of healing minerals and its quality is not inferior to well-known waters Matsesty. From the lake goes up the stairs leading to the mausoleum, which houses the tomb of the saint, whose name is associated with the name of the source.

If you come for treatment; be sure to first make a pilgrimage to the mausoleum of the saint. There are all conditions for the adoption of mud, tubs, and shower. It is noteworthy that the most effective treatment gives the hottest time of the year, because the therapeutic mud must heat up in the sun to a maximum temperature. Therefore, from June to August months are not looking for a constant stream of healing, not only from all parts of Uzbekistan, but also in many neighboring countries.

In the village Tudachorbog (edge gardens) there is an open source. According to local residents, the water in the spring is healing. It helps to get rid of kidney stones, prostate heals, peptic ulcer disease. Old-timers from their grandfathers heard that before in this place was the source that helped getting rid of many ailments.

The old men of the village have found this source; the inhabitants have cleared the area around the spring and spent the tube through which the water has risen to the top. The healing properties of water are confirmed by numerous reviews, healed the sick at the source of Khorezm, Bukhara, Surhandri, Tashkent, and Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Tudachorbog is also known for its gardens. Here grown-famous Uzbekistan pomegranates, grapes, apples, figs, quince, peaches. Probably from these gardens gave the name of the village - "edge of gardens."

The properties of this spring, struck out of the mountains, have not been studied. Experts coming from the region and the regional center and took a sample of water. Currently there are no results on the medicinal properties of the source. However, those wishing to find healing at the source are becoming more and more. And no wonder. After all, people are more used to believe their own eyes, and not the official conclusions.

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