
Uzbek turban

Uzbek turban
Uzbek turban

The Eastern turban (or chalma) is a wardrobe item, which is a long piece of rectangular fabric that should be wrapped around the head. The canvas is fitted in a certain sequence, thereby creating a full-fledged headdress.

The Eastern turban was originally a man's headdress. Then and now it was worn in Asia and Africa, in the states of the Arabian Peninsula, in India, and also in those countries where Islam is the official religion. Over time, the tradition of wearing this headdress was adopted by women. Today, the turban allows the women to look stylish and elegant. But it was not always so.

Historical information about the turban

The first mention of the turban refers to the VII century. The story of the turban helping a Muslim to become a pious, loyal and decent man is contained in the ancient Hadiths. The sources of the acts and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad stated that it was he who commanded to wear it to all representatives of Islam. The turban was necessary for Muhammad and his associates to participate in worship.

In the XIII century, during the existence of the Arab Caliphate, the turban became mandatory for all men. The boys wore children's hats, but with their maturing hats were changed to the turban. Depriving the turban was a shame.

The size of the turbans depended on the social status of the person, and the color depended on the nationality and religion. And if a man died suddenly, his turban was used to wrap the body.

In the Ottoman Empire of the 15th 16th centuries, a sultan wore the turban of the maximum size. Its height sometimes reached more than 70 centimeters. The size of the turban decreased depending on the position on the career ladder.

Turban was not only a sign of religiosity, but was also functional. Turban served as a protection from the burning sun and wind.

Turban: art of wearing

Tilting the turban was not so easy. It required special knowledge and experience. Therefore, there was a special profession - dastorband, who helped noble people to wrap a turban properly and beautifully. Gems and feathers of birds, which were not only an ornament, but also a symbol of power and amulet, were often used as decoration of the Eastern turban.

Tradition to wear a turban in Uzbekistan

If we talk about Uzbekistan, today it is rarely possible to meet an Uzbek in a turban. Mostly a religious person or an elderly Uzbek wears a turban. For that, you can meet a young Uzbek woman in a fashionable modern turban. Time passes and the fashion for the turban has somehow changed. You can learn more about the traditions of Uzbek clothes by making a tour of Uzbekistan. In this way, you will learn and see a lot in the traditional and modern appearance of the Uzbek people.

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