
Uzbek national dolls

Uzbek national dolls

Interior design in Uzbekistan, tired of the newfangled western ergonomic and high-tech solutions in recent years, is increasingly turning to national aesthetics, Eastern symbolism and even mysticism. One of such trends, surreptitiously captivating interiors of offices and houses is the use of Uzbek national dolls. More and more collectors, owners of private galleries and collections, artisans are drawn in this business with a huge passion.

Masters have something to show in miniature figures: a rich variety of national clothes, art school fashions, coloring and texture of fabrics, as well as the work of jewelers. The traditional Uzbek dolls are based on straw, cane, ceramics and wood. These items are what the base or body of a toy is usually made from. The doll is dressed in national clothes, decorated with embroidery, beads and lace.

Until now, different types of Uzbek dolls have come up; they are glove and puppet dolls. They are made of embellished papier-mache, wood, clay. Clothes for dolls are made of fabrics in the national style. Each master has its own traditional technology of designing clothes and embroidery. The most favorite heroes from the puppet shows that have survived to this day are Palvan-kachala and the beautiful Bikyakhon. They are distinguished by shiny faces made of papier-mache or wood with huge blushes on their cheeks.

In each region of Uzbekistan there are dolls, which differ more in their outfits. An interesting fact is that each doll has its own face, none of them repeats itself. Each doll, from simple rag to porcelain can be called, without exaggeration, a work of art. Puppet-masters pay special attention to the smallest details of puppet costumes. They use for this purpose natural Uzbek fabrics, velvet, leather, and even karakul.

The history of the appearance of Uzbek dolls

It is said that puppets on the territory of contemporary Uzbekistan appeared during the campaigns of Macedonian to Central Asia. They were brought here by the ancient Greeks. But they were not widespread and were forgotten. For a long time, the dolls were not made for religious reasons, since it was forbidden to depict a human face.

A large number of street puppeteers, who entertained the inhabitants, appeared in the era of the Temurids. Hence the origin of the puppet art of Uzbekistan is.

The mastery of making Uzbek national dolls was practically lost in the XIX-XX centuries, but in the last 20 years the revival of this uncommon craft began.

The creation of the Uzbek folk dolls

Making a doll is a creative and often unpredictable process. It does not fit any clearly delineated time frame. The image of a doll can last for months. When the image is found, its incarnation begins. The process of creating the head, hands and feet of the doll takes several stages. A few days before the work begins, clay is soaked and exposed. And only then the creation of forms from clay of different consistency begins. Liquid clay is used to fill molds, more elastic one - to correct facial features and shape details. The doll dries up, and then it is polished and fired in the oven. Cooled forms are set on the frame. This takes another day. Then sewing of clothes begins, but here are nuances, especially if it is a thoughtful original image. The search of the right fabric and accessories is led. So the creation of one Uzbek doll can take from two weeks to three months.

In Uzbekistan, tourists can not only buy original hand-made Uzbek dolls - souvenirs directly in the workshop of puppet-makers, but also see and even participate in their making while traveling around cities of Uzbekistan.

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