
Tours in Uzbekistan

¡Descubra la riqueza y belleza del país!

¡Le invitamos a inolvidables recorridos por Uzbekistán! Este país único, situado en el corazón de Asia Central, es conocido por sus ricas atracciones culturales e históricas. Antiguas ciudades, magnífica arquitectura, majestuosas mezquitas y mausoleos: todo esto le espera en Uzbekistán.

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de tours para satisfacer todos los gustos y preferencias. Nuestro equipo de guías experimentados y organizadores de tours le ayudará a planificar el viaje perfecto por Uzbekistán. Ofrecemos tanto tours grupales como individuales para asegurar el máximo confort y disfrute para cada uno de nuestros clientes.

Durante nuestros tours, podrá visitar ciudades famosas como Samarcanda, Bujará y Jiva, que son verdaderas joyas del Oriente. Podrá disfrutar de la belleza y grandeza de la arquitectura, visitar antiguos bazares y talleres donde los artesanos locales demuestran su maestría.

Además, podrá probar auténticos platos uzbekos, disfrutar de la hospitalidad de los residentes locales y sumergirse en la atmósfera de la cultura uzbeka. Nuestros tours también ofrecen la oportunidad de visitar atracciones naturales únicas, como la cordillera Tian Shan y el lago Aydarkul.

¡No pierda la oportunidad de descubrir Uzbekistán, un país con una rica historia y cultura! Reserve su tour ahora y emprenda un viaje inolvidable!


Choosing an Uzbekistan Travel Tour

Booking a package tour to Uzbekistan has never been easier. The Uzbekistan Government has made visiting the country simpler than ever. Currently, people from 86 countries can book an Uzbekistan tour package and visit the country without a visa. Check our main page about this for more information.

Even if you don't live in one of the 86 countries, a visa can easily be obtained online. You won't have to go to the trouble of visiting a consulate in your country, an electronic visa makes visiting Uzbekistan a more straightforward and accessible process.

What to Do on Your Uzbekistan Vacation

Tours in Uzbekistan have a lot of offer, with fantastic architecture, memorable monuments, great culture, and incredible food to experience. It may not be seen as a traditional tourist destination, but it has been recognized as a number 1 destination by Lonely Planet.

Three cities in the country have been listed by UNESCO, highlighting the unique opportunity an Uzbekistan tour package offers to tourists. We can arrange Uzbekistan vacation packages to suit your needs. Whether you are on a budget or a limited schedule, we will make sure you get the most out of your trip.

Let`s take a look at some of the experiences on offer

  • Visit the historic cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. These ancient cities have seen their fair share of change, with each passing dynasty leaving its mark.
  • The archeological site at Termez is thought to have once been at the heart of Buddhism in Central Asia. It offers a Buddhist monastery from which many treasures have been uncovered, unique architecture, and many wall paintings of Buddha.
  • Journey to where the Aral Sea used to lap against the shore at Muynak, one of the few signs that remain is the ship cemetery of stranded boats.
  • Take an Uzbekistan small group tour to the Savitsky Museum in Nukus, which houses a remarkable collection of former Soviet Union artwork.
  • There are ruins of fortresses in Karakalpakskan. These date back to the Zoroastrian period of more than 2,000 years ago, constructed to protect people from nomadic raiders.
  • Experience local arts and crafts with workshops in carpet weaving, ceramics, food, and silk paper making.

Tours in Uzbekistan y otros países

Tours in Uzbekistan

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