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Samarkand is not only beautiful but also very important in historical aspect. Samarkand city is the second largest city after its “big brother” Tashkent. Like Tashkent, Samarkand once was the capital of Uzbekistan. Proudly standing right in the center of Uzbekistan, on the left bank of the Zarafshan River, Samarkand generously welcomes everyone wanting to know its unbelievable breathtaking story which takes the beginning in the earliest days of humanity. Samarkand attracts tourists and scientists from all over the world with the stunning architecture, spirit of harmony, quietness and, of course, with many historical riddles and mysteries.
The scientists say that the place around modern territory of Bukhara had been inhabited for about 5 millennia, and the time of existing of this city is about 2,5 millennia. The meaning of the city name is “lucky place” or “the place of good fortune” and for a long time this lucky place had been the center of trade and culture, religion and scholarship on the way of the Great Silk Road. Bukhara, like Samarkand, is listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO, because of its beautiful old minarets and madrassas standing in the historic center of this ancient city. The changes in Bukhara are not such big like in Tashkent or Samarkand – it’s almost the same as before. The streets are the same and the architecture the same. You have to visit this place because it will show you the best how the ancient city of Uzbekistan looked centuries ago.
Tashkent is the most important city of Uzbekistan, because this city is the capital, the administrative center of the Republic and very unique place where ancient East and modernity are the best neighbors. Tashkent is prosperous metropolis, which population (more than 3 million people) growing with every day. This city has changed the most around all of the other cities of Uzbekistan because of its special status of capital. Tashkent is undoubtedly an oriental city, but at the same time it soaked features of different epochs. The form of Tashkent changes depending on the angle you’re looking from: you can see very ancient and legendary buildings with blue domes like in the oriental fairy-tale; you can travel back to the times of Turkestan governor-generalship with its full of Europe elegancy buildings; you will see standard a little bit boring architecture of the Soviet period and gorgeous building of Navoi Theater built the same time. Center of Tashkent will meet you with the most modern buildings and skyscrapers that you’ve ever seen, stretching up to the sky and shining in the friendly and warm light of Tashkent sun. Walking down the wide streets, going into flourishing parks and gardens of Tashkent, you will understand why it is lovingly called “the city of fountains”. Going down to the Tashkent metropolitan you will be amazed with the beauty and uniqueness of decoration of every single station. You will definitely love this amazing city of Contrasts!
Khiva is an heiress of the great ancient world. Being one of the most longstanding Asian cities Khiva was established in the 5th century BC. For many ages Silk Road was traversing the main Central Asian cities connecting the east and west. Merchants stopped here rest. Drinking the crystal water from the source, they spoke with pleasure the words "Hey wah" (Oh, how great!). Therefore local inhabitants have given this place the name "Kheivahk". This bewitching legend narrates about the early establishment of the city of Khiva. Yichan Kala is one of the main parts of the city and also was the first sight of Uzbekistan that was included to World Heritage List in 1991.
Nurata is one of the fascinating cities of Uzbekistan that located in Navoi region. If you visit this land of famous masters of livestock, the edge of folklore, friendly, hard-working people, you will be really impressed by this city from the oriental tale. There is a bewitching legend about the origin of the town. Many years ago, people got lost in the desert. They did not know how to reach their town and weretired and thirsty. However after two days in the desert they found a single hope of escape. It was a ray of light. The word "nur" can be translated as "ray". They got home and established there a small town - Nur Ata.
Shahrisabz located in the north-eastern region of the Kashkadarya, 80 km from Samarkand. The town has 63,000 inhabitants according to the 2010. The "green city" is known as the birthplace of Tamerlane. Shahrisabz Merv is a mound of feces Gyaur (Fortress worshipers), surrounded by walls up to 30 meters high and 12 meters wide at the base. Visible Almost in the center of the northern wall of the citadel was irregular curve shape. Recent excavations have found in the center of the citadel platform, which traces the building. Gyaur stool was called the inner city. Along with suburbs it was surrounded by a wall enclosing the territory up to 4 km in diameter. Suburbs were irrigated four channels, one of which - Raziq was in town for the artificial water supply, filling the city`s reservoirs. Shahrisabz rose significantly above the surrounding area. Pre-Islamic city was an irregular rectangle with an area of 30-35 hectares. The direction of the two main streets, cutting Shahrisabz from north to south and from east to west, there were three additional. In the south-eastern part of city was a market. This bewitching city attract many travelers by the unique atmosphere that could dive you into the the time of Shaherezade`s tale.
Surrounded by high mountains, there is an ancient city of Karshi situated in the hot sun in the ancient land of the shady garden in the cool of the Kashka - Daria. Mighty plane trees, slender poplar, cotton fields in the frame of the mulberry trees, spring flowering acacia trees, the smell of melons at the market, the feeling of ancient oriental tales - all this will remain in the memory of those who have ever been there. Travel to Uzbekistan has a certain historical mystery bewitched by the sights of this oriental country. Quite rare in Asia you can find such a variety of landscapes and ineffaceable relics of the past. Sense the medieval spirit that store uniqueness of these places and take the opportunity to have a Camel trip through the desert.
This city is located in the valley of Zarafshan, 360 km south-west of Tashkent (400 km by road). The city was named in honor of the great Uzbek poet A. Navoi. The main ethnic compositions are Uzbek, Russian and indigenous Kazakhs (these peoples together make up more than 75% of the total population of the city).
Valle de Ferganá
The nature of Fergana is unique. There are endless plains and deserts, green oases and majestic mountain ranges. In areas of unequalled landscapes, rare species of plants and animals were created national parks.cuisine. Here you can meet and dunes, Saxaul groves and takyrs, sandy and rocky steppes, the area with fertile soil and impenetrable thickets, riparian forests and majestic mountains with an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. Here creates the comfortable conditions for travel and leisure, where everyone can choose something for himself. You can choose to try romantic walking or going through the steep slopes and rocky areas, rivers and through mountain valleys.
Jizzakh is a town from oriental tales that bewitch every guest with its own silk production. When you visit this eastern town you can not only enjoy the unique chef-d`oeuvres of silk, but also to get acquaint with local people who will tell you about the life and history of Margilan better than any guide book. Beautiful scenery of the town of Golden Valley will leave unforgettable impressions and present moments of tranquility and peace, imbued with the atmosphere of mystery. This nature stores still vivid moments of the past. In Jizzakh region there are large reservoirs - rivers Zaaminsu, Sanzar; channel Eski Tuyatartar, with Turkestan and Nuratin ridges running down Achisai, Jalayir, Rawat and others.
This ancient city is just one of the locations on the legendary Silk Road. From here the camel caravans followed on the desert often up to seven days to get to Termez. Today it is possible to overcome the distance by train in just a few hours. On the one hand, the city is rich in a variety of retail outlets, enchanting shops and also the big bazaars with the aroma of spices, beautiful fabrics and the most delicious cuisine. Archeological research and excavation showed that since ninth century this city became a Central Asian heart of trade and crafts related to Chinа, Indiа, Byzаntium, Parthiа, Egypt, Rome, Afghanistаn and Black Seа coast. To Termеz were delivered set of goods such as wheat, cotton, silk and carpets. And till now this city preserves many memorials of medieval centuries.
The territory of modern Karakalpakstan is an "archaeological reserve", which today has numerous ancient artifacts. The first archaeological remains relate to the time of the Stone Age. Moreover, the history of the formation of this state is full of events which influenced the development of Uzbekistan and neighboring regions.
This ancient city is just one of the locations on the legendary Silk Road. From here the camel caravans followed on the desert often up to seven days to get to Kokand. Today it is possible to overcome the distance by train in just a few hours. On the one hand, the city is rich in a variety of retail outlets, enchanting shops and also the big bazaars with the aroma of spices, beautiful fabrics and the most delicious cuisine. The spirit and the cultural aura of Kokand formed over the centuries. Here, on the Silk Road, it was the most important point of intersection of cultures and mutual enrichment of the East and West. The ancestors of this land communicated with merchants, travelers and itinerant scholars, poets and thinkers from various countries over the centuries, cognizing the wisdom and exploring new verges of our life. Discover it with matchless travel to Uzbekistan with your best guide to oriental pearl. Under the influence of Islamic culture the importance of art acquired in courteous communication and behavior in the social life of Kokand people. There are many subtle interaction codes, which were required to master the appropriate education, training and the environment. Nurtured for centuries outlook and social skills have become an important part of the culture and the modern generation.
Namangan is a third largest city in Uzbekistan after Tashkent and Samarkand, Namangan is located in the northern part of the Fergana Valley, 200 km south-east of Tashkent (on the road about 300 km). This city has many ancient places such as bewitching ruins of the ancient city Ahsikent that was the capital of the Fergana Valley from 10 to 13 century. Also near Namangan there is a spa resort Chartaksay, functioning on the basis of iodine-bromine mineral water. In the mountain spurs of Chatkalsky ridge there is the valley of the river Padshaatasay with numerous recreational areas. Namangan is known also as a craft center, which to this day they do potters, goldsmiths, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, weavers, dyers, calico-printer fabrics, shoemakers. By the way, this is one of the reasons why you should visit not only Namangan, but also the entire Fergana valley. Here, you can purchase an exclusive set of crafts.
Nukus is capital of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, which occupies 37% of the territory of Uzbekistan. It is a city in northern Uzbekistan. Nukus located in the central part of Karakalpakstan on the right bank of the Amu Darya River, 800 km north-west of Tashkent (1255 km by road). It is near the Aral Sea, in the midst of the Aral Sea environmental disaster, surrounded by three deserts - Kum (Red Sands) - from the south and east, the Karakum (Black Sands) and rocky desert - Ustyurt, which in recent years has joined the fourth - Aralkum or Accum (White Sands, the salt from the bottom of the drying up of the Aral Sea). Nukus is located 76 meters above sea level.
Andijan is a vibrant city in Uzbekistan, known for its rich cultural history and as a commercial center in the Fergana Valley.
Contemporary Urgench lies on the territory of Uzbekistan, bordering on Turkmenistan lands. Urgench is one of the most well-groomed and civilized cities in Uzbekistan, so Khorezm is not only the dead land and ancient ruins shown in the past parts (Toprak-Kala and Ayaz-Kala). This is something more. Being the administrative center, Urgench cityplays the role of a transport hub.There are railway lines connecting the north and south of Central Asia. The city can boast the international airport, capable to accept aircrafts of any types and daily serving flights from large cities around the world. Finally, Urgench is connected to Khiva by a trolleybus line. You can get from one point to another by car in 30 minutes. If you are eager to travel comfortably, safety and excitingly, you can use one of the proposed Uzbek tours. «See all tours to Urgench from Peopletravel» Urgench city is a kind of bridge to its ancestor – Kunya Urgench (the territory of Turkmenistan), which in ancient times was called Gurganj and was the capital of the influential state of Khorezmshahs. In the XVI centurybecause of the change in the Amudarya riverbed and subsequent drought, the residents were forced to leave their original place and establish a new city - the present Urgench. Thus, both cities were separated not only by time, but also by the state border. Urgench was founded relatively recently. At the beginning of the XVII century, when the Khorezm Khan moved to Khiva, and the districts of Old Urgench with its mausoleums and minarets dwindled finally, people moved closer to the new capital, and took with them a native name. Thus New Urgench appeared. This is a short digression of the history of Urgench. «Read more about Urgench history» As well as it is necessary to the railway station, sightseeing starts from the station square. In the middle of the square there is al-Khorezmi Avenue, along a wide straight line leading to the airport on the other side of the city through the Independence Square with a white turret of local chimes. The avenue goes outto the memorial to Jalaladdin Menguberdi of impressive size. Besidesthe above mentioned, there are a monument to Avesta in Urgench and a monument to another great countryman - the "father of algebra" Abu Abdallah al-Khorazmi. «Read more about Sightseeing in Urgench» The city is located near the Amudarya River and conceals many mysterious and interesting places attracting many travelers from different corners. It was in this place where many years ago the well-known Great Silk Road, along which the merchants moved, ran along. Nobody knows the exact date of the founding of the settlement. This is becausein the chronicles it was called differently. Currently, Urgench is a well-equipped modern administrative center. But this does not prevent it from retaining in its memory the traces of various empires, which are of great interest to travelers.
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