

This city is located in the valley of Zarafshan, 360 km south-west of Tashkent (400 km by road). The city was named in honor of the great Uzbek poet A. Navoi. The main ethnic compositions are Uzbek, Russian and indigenous Kazakhs (these peoples together make up more than 75% of the total population of the city).

Turismo en Navoi

In Uzbekistan this city is the youngest regional center of the country. However, the city is rich for bewitching sights. There were ancient numerous settlements that you can find here. And it can be proved by many excavated Images of the ancient people that is also known as Petroglyphs.

The most ancient petroglyphs differ from grace and compositional perfection. One feels a hand not only patient and hard-working artist, but also a thinker who tries to bring forward their understanding of the world and the story of his life. Rather, life was not quite hastily, or the meaning of the depicted carrying a special significance. How else to explain the long and painstaking work by knocking out or cutting of the veins in the rock deep furrows, and then carefully polished cleaved many places. More recent figures are not different so meticulous thoroughness and generally more lumpy and tough to execute. The meaning of the depicted in them did not carry the special emphasis, as they were applied, most likely, as a tribute to the more advanced time series of continuing intellectual development of man.

The symbols and signs began to appear, weighed down by the knowledge of the outside world. And for their explanations have been invented paper. So, sometimes, a professional historian, rather pick up a pen and ink, rather than a rock or a pick. But modern chroniclers, generally are vandals, than, friends and lovers, with which they wanted to be, judging by their inscriptions.

We believe your visit to Uzbekistan will be filled with a joy and satisfaction from the services provided by Navoi hotels. The capital leaves an incredible impression upon travelers bewitching them by its green orchards, vineyards and light breeze.

Historia de Navoi

History of Navoi. A few words about the distant past.

Despite of the fact that the history of the youngest city of Uzbekistan started from second half of 20th century, in ancient times through the city were important trade routes, including the famous Great Silk Road. The population of Navoi reached in 2011 more than 170,000 people. Here Uzbeks (76. 4%), Russian (14. 6%), Kazakhs (1%) and other nationalities (8%). In ancient times, the city played an important role Kermine that connected Samarkand and Bukhara. This magnificent city is a gem of a rich history of Uzbekistan. 

According to Navoi history, the land on which today the city is, truly cherishes the memory of millennia of its centuries. Archaeologists have found evidence of the existence of numerous cultural centers are ancient Saks, Khorezm, Bactrian. Excavations Varakhsha and Babkent enabled the modern world to learn about the ancient civilizations that were destroyed by raids and strife, and subsequently buried in the sands of time in the mighty.

Galería de Fotos Navoi


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