
Sentob village in Nurata

Sentob village in Nurata
Sentob village in Nurata
Sentob village in Nurata
Sentob village in Nurata

Sentob village (also Sentyab village), located in 30 km. from the Aydarkul lake, can become the place of being alone for those who is tired of city vanity.

This village, where the population is about one thousand people, - is one of the ancient center of civilization – always compelled the attention of local and foreign tourists by its uniqueness and beauty nature.

The inhabitants of Sentob village build houses themselves from small and middle stones – bits of rocks and clay. Local people grow and pick products for cooking meal in their vegetable gardens. Meal is cooked in open fire. Even nuts and pistachios are gathered and dried here. Every family has its own cattle, providing the family with eggs, milk and meat.

Generally speaking, in the neighborhood of Sentob village in Nurata the vegetable and animal kingdom is very rich. It is very enthralling when you see an animal, bird or plant, and know that it is entered in the Red Book. Unique representatives of flora and fauna can be met here. While walking down Sentob village one can think that he or she has fetched up at the excavations of the unique, well thought-out, but ancient town.

Sights near Sentob village

15 kilometers from Sentob village there is Fazilman mountain. Here travelers with a special interest observe petroglyphs (V – VI centuries) carved on rocky stones, ruins of ancient fortress, as well as landscapes of the Fazilman lake. All this testifies to the unique history of Sentob village in Nurata.

Close to this point there is Guzbun mountain. This place is the expanse for extreme people. In the mountain there is an artificial gorge, dug up with mines. Once gold was extracted here. This gorge is not explored till the end, and it is the bonne bouche for those who like to tickle nerves.

Not far from Sentob village in Nurata there is a waterfall Obji. One hundred meters of falling water take your breath away.

Fresh air and beauty nature attract every man. Especially tourists display their interest in medicinal water from Akko Bulog spring, located in the center of Sentob village.

For receipt of tourists in Sentob village guest houses were constructed. The houses are built in national style and equipped with necessary conditions for dwelling here. For full immersion in local habitat tourists are offered to try out themselves in national crafts: spinning, making felt carpets, musical instruments and distinctive folk handicrafts.

Guests who visit Sentob village in Nurata have the chance to see and take part in everyday life of local people. They can cook flat cakes (Uzbek bread) in clay stoves (tandyrs), see Uzbek wedding, and see the competitions of horses – “kupkari”, as well as climb of rocky mountains. Of course you can just enjoy peaceable bird singing, while sitting on the trestle bed and drinking tea. Speaking about water, it should be mentioned that local water is very pure and has no any aftertaste.

Evening glow, purl of mountain spring, flavor of flowers, sky studded with stars, donkeys used as means of conveyance...All this is a small part of what Sentob village is noteworthy of.

Meeting simple and generous people, wholesome food and nice sleep are necessary things for citizens of large gas-laden megalopolises.

You also as an eco-traveler can see all mentioned above during your trip to Sentob village while booking Uzbek tours with Peopletravel Company. Our agents will do your travel round Nuratau mountains pleasant and memorizable.

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