Tash Rabat

About 520 km from Bishkek, 125 km (1.5 hours), from Naryn, 17 km from the end of the paved road (just after the emergency airstrip) 90 km (1.5 hours) short of the border at Torugart, and at an altitude of about 3500m above sea level is the ancient caravanserai of Tash Rabat. According to one author, this is probably the best-preserved Silk Road site you will find and “no other retains as much of its original atmosphere”.
Touren nach Tash Rabat
Klassische Reisetouren nach Kirgisien 3
Bischkek - Ala Artscha Naturpark - Issyk Kul See - Kotschkor Dorf - Son Kul See - Tasch Rabat Karawansarai - Torugart pass - Kashgar
Fotogalerie Tash Rabat

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