Nurata is one of the fascinating cities of Uzbekistan that located in Navoi region. If you visit this land of famous masters of livestock, the edge of folklore, friendly, hard-working people, you will be really impressed by this city from the oriental tale. There is a bewitching legend about the origin of the town. Many years ago, people got lost in the desert. They did not know how to reach their town and weretired and thirsty. However after two days in the desert they found a single hope of escape. It was a ray of light. The word "nur" can be translated as "ray". They got home and established there a small town - Nur Ata.
Touren nach Нурату
Fahrradtour in Usbekistan
Taschkent - Zaamin - Djizzakh - Yangikischlak - Hayot - Sentob - Aydarkul See - Nurata - Buchara - Schachrisabz - Samarkand - Taschkent
Tausend und eine Nacht
Taschkent - Samarkand - Nurota - Buchara - Chiwa - Taschkent - Fergana Tal - Taschkent
Ökoreise Durch Usbekistan
Frankfurt - Taschkent - Muynak - Nukus - Chiwa - Buchara - Nurata - Samarkand - Taschkent - Frankfurt
Sightseeing in Nurata
Geschichte Nurata
The history of this ancient city has two goals. This is truly an ancient monument has been preserved to this day.
The political history of Nurata filled with numerous conquests of the neighboring countries and internal feudal strife. First of all, Khorezm waged fierce war against the Khanate of Bukhara to establish its rule across Central Asia. In turn Bukhara also sought hegemony in the region and was fighting with the Nurata Khanate. At the end of XVII century Khorezm was temporarily attached to the Khanate of Bukhara.
Fotogalerie Nurata
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