
Discover the incredible Darvaza Gas Crater, known globally as the 'Door to Hell', 'Gate to Hell', 'Crater of Fire', and 'Darvaza' or 'Derweze' Crater. Take captivating photos and videos of this fiery natural spectacle, nestled within the desolate expanses of the Karakum desert, 266km north of Ashgabat city. n 1971, the mesmerizing sight of the Darvaza Gas Crater was unintentionally created by Soviet geologists. Situated near the quaint village of Darvaza (Derweze), meaning 'gate' in Turkmen, they accidentally pierced a cavern filled with natural gas. An unfortunate accident led to equipment falling into a newly formed cavernous hole, from which gas began to escape.
Touren nach Darvaza
Klassische Reisetour nach Turkmenistan 2
Aschgabat - Mary - Darwasa - Bokurdak - Daschogus - Aschgabat
Darvaza - Gas Crater from Khiva
Хива – КПП Шават – Дашагуз – Дарваза (Газовый кратер) – КПП Шават - Хива
Fotogalerie Darvaza

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