Zaamin. The nature that could steal your heart

Zaamin in Jizzakh region
The nature that could steal your heart
This amazing town fascinates people with the peculiar atmosphere that gets inside, takes up residence in the soul and emerges with warm memories. It is a bewitching town with own character. East is a philosophy, a way of thinking and way of life. And in these oriental towns such as Zaamin you can forget about the time and immerse into one of the legends of Scheherazade’s tale. The nature of this town could steal your heart and you will dive into the green oasis with fresh air and lovely bird singing.
History of Zaamin: pages of past centuries
We know from history that Zaamin was a member of one of the oldest areas of Central Asia - Ustrushana, lying between the ancient regions: Sogdiana, Bactria, Ferghana and Chach. According to archaeological sources Zaamin age is more than two thousand years (II-I centuries. BC). During excavations of the Zaamin the remains of settlements older than 2,500 years were found. Zaamin in Persian and Tajik means arable land because in ancient times the area was famous for soil fertility.
The territory of modern Zaamin is a green area rich with representatives of the feathered world. In the thick juniper forests can be found rare birds such as wood pigeon, bunting, turtle thrush, Turkestan owl and the starling. Special attention should be rare flora Zaamin, called Uzbek Switzerland. The territory of the park is covered by pine and juniper (Juniperus) of forest, only the whole of Central Asia. Here are more than 800 species of plants, dozens of which are endemic.
The main attraction of this town is a reserve of Zaamin. Nature Reserve is located in the Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan. The area is clearly expressed by the mountain range
One of the attractions of the Zaamin Reserve are huge, towering red rocks in a clearing of in the Kyzyl-ataksae with various bizarre, that are reminiscent to the Sphinxes. Local people call this place kyrk kyz, which means the forty girls. The figures consist of conglomerates and sandstones. In some places they are very polished, sometimes have large and small crevices which there are various shrubs. In the reserve in 1978, lived about 120 Central Asian ibex, 10 white-clawed bear, 6 Turkestan lynx, one pair of black stork.
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