
Urgench Youth Lake

Urgench Youth Lake
Urgench Youth Lake
Urgench Youth Lake

One cannot ignore one more attraction of Urgench - youth park named after Amir Timur.

The youth park and the youth lake of Urgench, the total area of which is 15.5 hectares, constitute a cultural and architectural complex intended for recreation of the population, especially young people, domestic and foreign tourists.

youth park in Urgench

The youth park in Urgench is the place of rest like a museum "in the open air". According to a special architectural project, mock-ups of historical monuments of the Uzbek ancient cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shahrisabz - Registan Square, Minorai Kalon, Kalta Minor and others are installed here. Thus, visitors here can not only enjoy the picturesque nature, but also get acquainted with our rich ancient history. This plays an important role in increasing the spirituality of youth, strengthening in it a sense of respect for our rich history, national traditions and values.

There are also a teahouse, two cafe-ships, a chess club and other facilities in the youth park of Urgench. Modern attractions are installed.

youth lake in Urgench

Near the lake is the zoo enclosed with a characteristic fence with animal figures.

Visit Urgench within Uzbek tours of Peopletravel and enjoy your holidays in Uzbekistan.

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