
Town bath of Shakhrisabz

Town bath of Shakhrisabz
Town bath of Shakhrisabz
Town bath of Shakhrisabz

Uzbek bath is a special place for the Uzbeks; it is a separate culture and customs. Baths in Central Asia were an integral part of the formation of the urban structure.

Bathroom habits spread in Central Asia on a par with the spreading of Islam, as one of the homilies of the prophet Mohammed to his followers was visiting the baths.

In Uzbekistan, there are still functioning baths.

For example, the specific attention among the old buildings is drawn to the town bath in Shakhrisabz, dating from the middle of the XV century.

The town bath of Shakhrisabz is heated with the consummate system of canals built under the floor. This well-engineered nest of pipes heats the air in the bath.

The baked brick was used as the materials of construction for the town bath of Shakhrisabz; and the vertex of the construction is closed with the circular domes. The floors and branches (sofas) are marble.

The uncommonness of the town bath of Shakhrisabz is that it functions up to now. The bath in Shakhrisabz includes a zone for hot and cold bathing, the subsidiary section and even a tiny mosque.

This bath of Shakhrisabz has a wide variety of services, among which there is the visit to Shakhrisabz bath, ordinary excursion, a detailed observation and taking of bath procedures.

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