Rukhabad Mausoleum

Unique piece of the cultural inheritance of Samarkand
If you travel by Uzbekistan you can visit amazing architectural monuments of Samarkand bewitches by the high quality works of architects, ceramists, as well as beauty and harmony of their skills. Here is one of the oldest buildings of the history of this city that attracts the attention of all guests and tourists. It is Rukhabad Mausoleum, which was built on the order of Tamerlane in the 12th century.
This mausoleum was constructed over the tomb of the famous scientist Sagaradzhi. The grandiose building occupied a rectangular courtyard that surrounded with bewitching landscapes. Exterior decoration consists of spherical domes that form a cube in the base of the building.
It should be noticed that it is possible to enter to this mausoleum through only three sides – from west, south and north. Inside decoration of the mausoleum is simple enough, however the alabaster, mosaics and gilded ornaments enrapture with its beauty that preserve unique cultural inheritance of Uzbekistan.
Entrance to the burial room blocks carved door of the XIX century that gives a lasting impression for every visitor.
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