Muynak. Inconceivable impressions of forsaken sea

Muynak in Karakalpakstan
Inconceivable impressions of forsaken sea
Many modern cities have grown out of the settlements located at the crossings of trade routes near river banks or industrial facilities. But when happens to them when trade routes are moved to other places, factories are being closed, and the rivers dry up?
If you want to find the answer to this question, you should visit the city Muynak, a living testimony of the Aral tragedy.
The ghost town of ships
Muynak was once located on the shores of the Aral Sea, however now the distance between them is more than 100 kilometers. And the lake that was well-known for the abundance of fish and very large size is now almost desolate.
And now here is located famous "graveyard of ships" that rust and sink into oblivion.
According to historical data, the shipping ceased in the Aral Sea in 1970. Today, the sandy beaches had disappeared; fishermen could no longer boast of great catches.
Enrich the soul with new emotions
You will be able to experience the incredible impression of the visit to this ghost town. For indeed, there still survived atmosphere of floating vessels and abundance of fish. This is where you could start to think about the careless attitude of person to the nature.
Therefore, this journey to this ghost town will leave a trace in the life of every guest. Such impressions can show that we should learn from the mistakes of the past and appreciate the most valuable thing we have - the nature.
Everyone has a hope that the sea will come back. Who knows, maybe someday will again flourish as it was forty years ago!
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