Monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi

Peopletravel Company with great pleasure is ready to show you Navoi city and offer visiting the monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi.
The monument of Alisher Navoi stands on the square in the central park of Alisher Navoi.
Day after day schoolchildren, students and courting couples visit the monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi. In wedding season newlywed couples are coming with bouquets of flowers to the monument of Alisher Navoi. Young people and teenagers, by-turn, like to come here and take pictures of the monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi.
The monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi is the representation of the poet standing on the pedestal. In his left hand Navoi holds the scroll – a symbol of poetry, and in his right hand there is a staff. A. Rakhmatullaev A. and P. Podosinnikov are the sculptor and architect of the monument of Alisher Navoi in Navoi city.
Behind the monument of Alisher Navoi there is a fountain. There are many flowers and various plants around the monument.
The statues of the eminent poet were mounted in various cities of the world. Moscow, Tokyo, Baku, Osh, Afghanistan also have the memorials of Alisher Navoi.
The unveiling of the monuments of Alisher Navoi, the appeal to his image in painting, drawing, theater, film, music, literature suggests unfading interest not only to the personality of great thinker, but also to the traditions of his poetry, embodying the underlying search of spirituality.
Formerly, a range of his works of art and scientific books were translated into eastern and western languages. Alisher Navoi took one of the honorary degrees among the classics of world literature. Many poets called him a teacher and they were inspired by his immortal creations.
Creativity of Alisher Navoi had an enormous ascendancy on the progress of Uzbek literature. He produced wrote more than 30 books of poetry, prose and poems devoted to the life and the mode of the peoples of Central Asia.
Having booked a tour to Uzbekistan, Navoi city, you will get much positive emotions and great impressions.
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