Chatkal valley. The nature that could steal your heart

Chatkal valley in Tashkent region
The nature that could steal your heart
This amazing place fascinates people with the peculiar atmosphere that gets inside, takes up residence in the soul and emerges with warm memories. It is a bewitching town with own character.
Chatkal valley is located in the territory of Bostanlyk district in the north of the border with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Valley of the cross many waterways and basins, including Charvak Lake, Akbulak, Karacharsay etc. On the territory of the district Bostanlyk are two protected areas - conservation and Chatkalsky Ugham Chatkalsky natural national park.
Chatkal valley is one of the few places, where nature is preserved in its original form, and the human impact on the environment is minimal. This area has a rich cultural and historical heritage.
Uniqueness of the place lies in the fact that the local ethnic groups - Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz preserved their former way of social organization, mentality, traditions and way of life.
According to historians, here preserved the heritage of the Great Silk Road, which linked for nearly two millennia, East and South Asia to the Middle East and Europe. In some places here remains the ancient settlements , petroglyphs , mines, religious sites , here are some holy places - grave of sheikhs Umar and Dowd (David), cemetery Hazrat - Mullah and Mazar - Yalovlik Sidzhak near the village where pilgrims come from all over the Muslim world.
Bostanlyk district was considered as a tourist center in Uzbekistan for more than 50 years. Here you can find a base for sports entertainment - hang gliding, paragliding, sailing boats and catamarans.
In Chatkal valley is also located more than 50 towns and villages such interesting as Chimghan, Brichmulla and Khumsan, which fully express the specific ethnic communities, concentrated around the monuments of history and culture.
With Peopletravel you have a chance to visit this place and enjoy the beauty of this bewitching town and nature reserve.
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