
Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent

Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent
Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent
Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent
Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent

Uzbekistan is a land of rich culture and history. And during your travel to Uzbekistan you may fully perceive this fact.

For care storage, analysis, enrichment of unique Uzbek traditions, and won fame, for advocacy of national visual and applied arts, art of miniature in the world of masterpieces the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan was established.

Under the Academy of Arts in 1974 the Central Exhibition Hall was opened. The Exhibition Hall is in the downtown nearby the central department store and Lotte City Hotel Tashkent Palace.

While visiting the Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in light halls of generous proportions one can contemplate paintings and sculptures of well-known Uzbek masters and the creations of young artists, who try to keep up traditions of Uzbek art school and, withal, beneficiate them with contemporary ideas.

The Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent is the major hall in the country and Asian region. It exhibition area is 2500 square meters.

The hall of sculpture and graphic arts take the central position in the building structure. The halls of painting and applied art occupy the second flight. The pane of the Academy of Arts Exhibition Hall is adorned with national decor. Massive pillars and marble interior finish emphasize the monumentality of showrooms. Besides it in the courtyard there is one more summer-like hall. Here sculptures and pictures are exhibited in warm sunny days.

Exhibits and other cultural occasions, helping along the development and keeping of visual and applied arts in the country are carried out in the Central Exhibition Hall in Tashkent.

The Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts in Uzbekistan annually becomes the site for holding large international art exposures. All this is made for increasing international creative and scientific connection, as well as identifying opportunities of deep investigation and growth of great art heritage of Uzbek people.

The Academy of Arts Exhibition Hall includes a big showroom, souvenir shop, where you can purchase items of folk craftsmen. For example, souvenirs, knick-knacks, carpets, ceramics, pictures that are all made in national style.

Also in the building of the Exhibition Hall there is well-known restaurant "Barkhan".

To see the exhibits of the Central Exhibition Hall will be possible while booking a tour to Uzbekistan with competent agents of Peopletravel Company.

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