Baths of Anush Khan in Khiva

Khammams (or homoms) - the baths of the eastern city - have deep historical traditions in terms of technological, spatial and planning construction. Khammams in Khiva are of special interest for their history, since they are the earliest architectonic monuments of this kind.
These include the baths in Khiva, built by Abulgazi Khan in 1657. This is still the earliest monument of civil architecture of a similar purpose.
On the territory of the old party of Khiva, an interesting structure - Anush-Khan baths have been preserved.
Baths of Anush Khan are located close to Ak-mosque. They were raised in honor of Anush Khan on the order of his father, the historian Abulgazi Khan.
The bathhouse of Anush-khan is of interest for its heating, water supply and sewerage systems. The heating, water feed and water carriage systems were made according to the latest technologies of that time. The underground heating system allowed to keep warm in the room. The heating of the bath was carried out by a system of smoke channels located under the floor. Small rooms are located around the central hall. Each room had a certain functional purpose. Water for needs of the bath was taken from a trunk, which was located near the boiler room.
The walls and vaults of Anush-khan hamams are covered with waterproof plaster. The system of domes and domed premises is reliable and uncomplicated due to the small size of the premises.
The planning of the bath rooms itself is a clear and simple, one might say, harsh construction of the civil architecture of Khiva of the 17th century. Like all traditional oriental baths, "bathing houses" of Anush-khan in Khiva are equipped with a lobby, changing rooms, steam rooms, massage rooms, a pool with hot water and a stokehole. The deepening of the premises into the ground made it possible to keep warm better. From the outside, only bath domes with light holes are visible.
Today, Anush Khan baths, built three and a half centuries ago, have been preserved in excellent condition and, as in ancient times, continue to serve also as a health center.
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