Ayaz-Kala or the fortress of the light. Outstanding monuments of history.

Ayaz-Kala or the fortress of the light in Karakalpakstan
Outstanding monuments of history
This phenomenon of the installation referred to one of the most significant historical piece of monumental art of Uzbekistan.
Ayaz-Kala fortress can be called as miracle of light and wind, located 20 kilometers north-east of Toprak- Kala in the moving sands of the Kyzyl-Kum and ridges of the sacred mountains of Sultan Uwais.
This monument of our history is vast mound on a flat hill that emerged perhaps as early as the 4th century BC. The construction of the fortress refers to the time when Zorastrian traditions became one of the main spiritual values of the local people. That is why Ayaz-Kala called as Fortress of the light since that time.
The light and darkness were the most significant aspects of this religion. The light meant Paradise and the opposite one was underworld. From this we could see how this fortress was honored and was compared with the most principal values of the people.
Being one of the settlements of Kushan Empire, Ayaz Kala was strengthened with amazing castle on top of a steep hill of 60 meters.
Walls of Ayaz Qala oriented to the four cardinal points, and the only entrance, preceded by an ingenious maze constructed from the south to the ruling in this region south wind blew himself from dust and debris.
According to local legend, in times of great turmoil when the old ruler died there was no one to take his place. That time the priests predicted to the assembled crowd that the new Shah would be elected by the one on whose hand will sit the royal hunting falcon. But the bird sat not on hand, but right on the head of a simple soldier.
The falcon was driven away, and in the second time it went back to the same place. People crowned warrior, who personally supervised the construction of a new castle on the hill. And he reign in it with the rules of debt and equity. Not to forget his origins, yesterday's soldier, and now king commanded to hang old worn-out boot in a prominent place before the throne.
Legend indirectly confirms that the new forts and palaces of ancient Khorezm were built with exceptional ease during his heyday at the next change of the ruling dynasties.
From the top of Ayaz Qala we could overlook the lake of the same name Ayazkol, the water is so salty and even in summer it seems as it covered with ice. In the north, it is barely visible on the horizon silhouette of the castle next Kyrkkyz Qala.
There archaeologists have found an amazing burial according to the rites of the ancient fire-worshipers - peeled sun and birds of prey of a human skeleton that were placed in a ceramic jug.
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