
New Year in Uzbekistan

New Year in Uzbekistan

The New Year (January 1) in Uzbekistan has been celebrated since the Soviet times with all the attributes of the New Year. Before the New Year, as elsewhere in Uzbekistan, people carefully prepare for the holiday. They dress up a tree; decorate the streets and houses with garlands. The main heroes of Uzbek New Year are Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, who are named in Uzbekistan as Korbobo and Korkiz.

Exactly at midnight from December 31 to January 1, when the clock solemnly beats 12 hours, the long-awaited Uzbek happy New Year comes. January 1 (1 day) is declared a weekend.

In the coming New Year, according to the European chronology, the Uzbeks organize a feast, the main dish of which is a watermelon. If the watermelon turns out to be sweet, crunchy and juicy, then the whole year will be successful and happy.

In addition to a watermelon on the Uzbek New Year's table a lot of fruits should be. They are grapes, persimmons, apples, figs and peaches. It is a good sign among the Uzbeks to eat 12 large grapevines during the battle of the chimes that are announcing the approach of the European New Year. If every grape is made up at will, the halves will just come true.

Uzbekistan New Year is a truly family holiday. At the table relatives and friends gather, they recall all the good that was in the previous year and under the chimes congratulate each other on the coming New Year.

This great international holiday comes to every family and, of course, is celebrated in cities and round the whole country widely and cheerfully. In the capital sparkling with lights garlands and decorated with balls, the beautiful Christmas tree appears. The youth gathers here to hear in the magic midnight the battle of the Tashkent chimes. And in the following days the square becomes the epicenter of mass festivities. Children gambol. Here they meet Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as many other heroes from favorite books and cartoons.

The other area of children's entertainment is the square next to Tashkent circus. Here are many attractions, tents with playthings and confections. During the New Year Celebration inu00a0Uzbekistan children are entertained by clowns and acrobats.

Leisure for adults is no less interesting and diverse. On New Year'su00a0Day inu00a0Uzbekistan in theaters there are wonderful festive performances. Cinemas, cafes, clubs and restaurants are full of people. Each entertainment place tries to differ from each other with its unique show program.

If you have never met the New Year in Uzbek, we suggest you to do it for the first time together with the Peopletravel Uzbek tours.

As it turns out, one can solemnize the New Year without snow, or it's minimum. You can taste a sweet juicy watermelon at the New Year's table. You will be lucky to celebrate New Year's Eve in Uzbekistan and the whole next year be happy in anticipation of another trip to Uzbekistan.

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