
Legend of khan atlas

Legend of khan atlas

Many of us love silk for its softness, lightness, and for the pleasant sensations that silk delivers when it adheres to the body, and for how it flows along the figure. Silk is magnificent and we all know that silk, for the most part, was made in China. Later thanks to the Great Silk Road the technology spread to Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Here we will talk about Uzbek silk - the khan atlas.

u00abAtlasu00bb translated from Arabic means "smooth". By its nature, an atlas is a dense silk fabric with a special type of weave (only on the upper base there is a more valuable fiber), with a shiny and smooth surface.

Khan atlas is made in Uzbekistan, the largest production is in the city of Margilan. The production of silk fiber, like many centuries ago, is based on the cultivation of silkworm. This is a worm and it eats leaves of a mulberry tree.

At the moment, the whole production is automated, before everything was done manually. And such a khan atlas, hand-woven now is a rarity, the so-called khan atlas from chests. Because it can only be purchased from hands from stocks of people, that is, from chests.

What is the beauty of the khan atlas? It is unique and inimitable, it is always different. Khan atlas is a concentrate of all the colors of the rainbow. And this wonderful kind of silk was born not by chance.

The legend of the khan atlas

Once, one of the rulers of Margilan decided to marry for the fifth time. He saw the artist's young daughter, fell in love and decided that she would be the fifth wife. The artist was upset when he knew about the intention of the Khan, came to the palace and asked him not to touch his daughter. Then Khan said that he would abandon his intention only if the artist created something more beautiful than his daughter by the next morning. The artist could not eat and could not sleep all night. At dawn, he went to the creek. The saddened artist sat down in thought on the bank of the stream, looked into it, and a rainbow was reflected in it. The artist burst into tears and when tears fell in the stream, the rainbow rippled and presented the artist with a wonderful drawing. The artist understood what his salvation was, and wove an extraordinary fabric in the image of what he saw - light as a cloud, cool as mountain air, and reflecting all the colors of the rainbow. By the morning, the master brought his creation to the khan. He was shocked by the beauty of the fabric and ordered him to be called "khan-atlas" ("khan's silk"), and he gave the artist's daughter a wife to his beloved son.

Advantages of khan-atlas

Uzbekistan loves its fabric and traditionally sews costumes and dresses for girls and women.

Khan atlas is spruce and at the same time it cools in the heat. Of course, many interpretations appeared. From varieties of colors to the material on which this drawing is applied, khan atlas has become a household name and now there is velvet khan atlas and cotton.

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