Legend of Chashma-Ayub
There are few cities where so many diverse and noncontemporaneous monuments of material culture and art are concentrated. One of the few cities is Bukhara.
The oldest of the architectural monuments have a history of more than a thousand years. And with each attraction there is a legend carefully preserved by the people. So is the kubba Chashma-Ayub (12th century), located in the city park of culture and leisure.
Saint Ayub is known both in Islam and in Christianity (as Job).
Chashma-Ayub complex (translated as u00abSource of St. Jacobu00bb) was erected in the 14th-16th centuries. This building is not noticeable in anything, neither in buildings nor in architectural decoration, but it is still extremely popular among the people, because it is consecrated by a number of beautiful legends. According to the first legend of Chashma-Ayub complex, one of the 12 prophets, Saint Jacob, was buried here. It always excited the people of all Maverannahr and sacred Bukhara.
According to another legend, the sanctuary of St. Ayub was the last bastion of defense of Bukhara from the hated and wicked, dirty Genghis Khan. The Mongols could not in any way take it by attack, which became a worthy fortress to the enemy. And then the despicable dogs - enemies - decided to besiege the fortress and wait for the death of the great Uzbek sons - defenders from hunger and thirst. Then Saint Ayub rose from the grave, looked at his defenders, did not say a word, went into another room and hit his staff on the ground. A well arose immediately and spring water flowed from it, which does not end to this day. The spring flows out of its blessed waters. Enemies did not take this fortress. They left home, marveling at the courage of the heroes, illuminated by the rays of St. Ayub.
Another Chashma-Ayub legend tells of the arrival of Job in Bukhara. These were times when people suffered from prolonged drought. They asked Job for help. He began to pray, hit his staff on the ground, where a source of water appeared, which brought salvation to the locals.
According to another legend, Ayub was an immaculate and righteous man. For his righteous life, God gave him cattle, honor and peace in a family with seven sons and three daughters. Tempted by the devil, God began to doubt that Job would remain just as grateful and assiduous in his prayers if everything was taken from him. God decided to test the faith and patience of the righteous, and therefore Job lost all his property and children due to thieves, lightning strikes and storms. But Job said, "God gave, God took." Then the devil punished him with leprosy, so that Job's whole body was covered with purulent ulcers. And yet Job continued to say: "God gave, God took." Having believed in the cleanliness of Job, the Lord returned his wealth and children to him and ordered him to strike the ground with his staff. This will reveal the source from which he must wash in order to recover again.
Today people also believe that the water in the spring has healing power, therefore pilgrims come here constantly.
Chashma-Ayub complex includes ziyorathona - a room for performing the ritual of remembrance, ziyara a room for worship, chillakhona - a room for forty-day solitude and meditation, gurkhona - a crypt with the imaginary grave of the holy prophet Ayub (St. Jacob) and a holy well with a spring.
In order to visit Chashma-Ayub complex and feel for yourself all the told legends about Chashma-Ayub, just book a tour to Uzbekistan from Peopletravel company.
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