
Uzbek sheep fighting

Uzbek sheep fighting
Uzbek sheep fighting

Every journey, wherever you go, has its own peculiarities and unusual moments. Uzbekistan is no exception. For example, Uzbekistan may surprise the traveler with its unusual rites or national entertainments. One of such amusements in Uzbekistan is ram battle.

Sheep fighting is an ancient tradition that spread among the peoples of Asia, in particular Uzbekistan. It differs from the famous bullfight in that the person participates in the process as a spectator and does not physically intervene in the fight. The structure of the battle resembles a similar struggle of dogs, roosters, camels and other species.

Usually in any animal battles, males are involved because their instinct of fighting is well developed. In nature, they fight for females and territory. They are aggressive in nature, determined to fight with a representative of their own gender and are better suited for battle. Rams are no exception. Strong hollow horns, great weight, physical strength and desire to win became the key to the popularity and entertainment of sheep fighting in Uzbekistan.

Ram battle process

Fighters are pulled apart and placed opposite each other at a distance of at least five meters. This ensures acceleration and impact force. Then the owners let the pets go and move aside. After the first collision, the opponents immediately disperse and move back in different directions in order to accelerate again and face their foreheads. The hosts do not affect the course of the battle; they are present as observers and fans.

Another factor that decides the outcome of the Uzbek sheep fight is the loss of the horns of one opponent. Then it steps aside, admitting defeat, and refuses to continue the fight, despite the master's prodding. Victory is recognized for the participant who did not retreat or did without loss.

The sheep, recognized as the winner of fighting, is covered with a red carpet to the applause of the public. It symbolizes triumph.

An animal is preparing for combat as a true athlete: special food, jogging and training. It is also very important to keep the animal clean and follow all the rules of hygiene.

More often, ram battles in Uzbekistan are held on the days of the celebration of Navruz. Such a traditional game is in Navruz custom.

Peopletravel Company is glad to prepare for you a unique Uzbek tour program, during which you can get acquainted with the traditions of the Uzbeks and get to the national games and shows.

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