Uzbek people
Special kindness, friendliness and hospitality of Uzbek people have long been on everyone's lips. But Peopletravel u0421ompany once again shows you the rich history, culture, spiritual life and the cordiality of Uzbek people; and offers unique trips to Uzbekistan not only to know but see from within life of the people.
The Uzbeks are extremely hospitable and hard-working
What traits are inherent for Uzbek people, not looking at what nationality they are? Firstly, it is diligence. People manage to grow good crops in almost desert areas. Accordingly, therefore, the Uzbeks modestly call themselves the most assiduous in Central Asia.
Attachment to family life and traditionalism reside in Uzbek people. Members of one family support each other, to honor and respect the elders. In addition, each family member knows his status in the social hierarchy and imposed rules of behavior: it is necessary to show respect to seniors by putting a hand to the heart, and it is obligatory be on formal terms with seniors.
Sense of duty, patience and optimism are the Uzbeks' own distinctive features.
Settled life developed especially careful attitude to housing, court, affecting by their purity. It was essential not only to sweep the room and yard systematically, but also outside of the gate.
The hospitality of inhabitants of Uzbekistan - the country's trademark
One of the main peculiarities of the Uzbeks is cordiality. The ability to act as host is more appreciated among the Uzbeks than the wealth of the table or family's income. Not to play as host means to dishonor the family, genus, makhalla (quarter of the city in Central Asia) and village.
In Uzbekistan people believe that it is necessary to let any guest in the house and in every way to show hospitality, because Allah himself can knock in the likeness of the stranger.
Honorable guests are hailed at the gates of the owners. Usually only men shake hands. During handshake men mutually are interested in health and state of affairs. Women are welcomed by a slight nod, with right hand to the heart.
It is considered a bad form to refuse the invitation for lunch or dinner, or come too late. The guests usually don't come without souvenirs for the hosts and sweet gifts for children. Street shoes must be removed when entering the house. The master of the house himself should ask the guests to sit down.
Any conversation will not start without bowls of tea and a variety of treats. In Uzbekistan people like to eat well and tasty. A place of honor in the feeding system belongs to bread. It is baked in the form of cakes from wheat flour. Uzbek dishes are varied, but the favorite dish is pilaf.
An example of good Uzbek hospitality were the years of the Great Patriotic War, when Central Asian families took unfamiliar people, just those who needed help, and shared with them bread. But these rules of hospitality were originated in the hearts of the indigenous people many centuries ago and have preserved almost intact in modern life.
Origin of the Uzbeks
The origin of any people is always a very complex process, which for centuries leads to the origination of a new nation with a new name. And the name of the people often arises from the area, where people live, or the name of a famous ruler (or leader), as the name of the founder of new state. In history we find many such cases.
History of the addition of the Uzbek people comprehends dozens of centuries, and captures in a process many tribes, nations that are a part of people formation as essential historical terms, forming what is referred to historical science as ethnogenesis of the people.
More recently, in historiography of Central Asia naive and primitive view dominated. There is a statement that the Uzbeks are alien people that were in Maveranakhr only at the end of the XI century.
The Uzbeks, whom we have just mentioned, really came to the ground of Uzbekistan in the XV - XVI centuries, but they were the Uzbek nomads.
The Uzbek nation was formed as a Turkic-speaking people on the Uzbek territory for many centuries before the advent of nomadic Uzbeks in the settled areas of Central Asian, though did not wear their behalf. The people really got its name from Uzbek nomads, but it developed highly sedentary culture long before their arrival on the basis of the ancient Sogdian-Khorezm civilization.
Ancient ancestors of the Uzbeks were the Sogds, Khorezms, Bactrians, Fergans, Saks, Massagets. From the middle of the 1 thousand BC the Mongoloid groups of tribes begin to seep in Central Asia. From the time of Central Asia entry into the Turkic khanate, this process increased. In times of the state of the Karakhanids the Turkic tribes go to the settlement. All Turkic population of Mesopotamia formed the foundation of the Uzbek nation. The latest wave of Turkic-speaking nomads who joined the composition of the population of the area, were the Dashtikipchak Uzbeks, who came in with Sheibani Khan.
The Dashtikipchak Uzbeks included in this Turkic population, giving it their ethnonym "Uzbek" only as a last, most later ethnic stratification.
The process of foundation of the contemporary Uzbek nation proceeded also in the agricultural areas of Fergana, Zeravshan, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya valleys and Khorezm and Tashkent oases. Consequently the modern Uzbek nation, which absorbed elements of these two worlds was formed here.
As we have noted the Dashtikipchak Uzbeks put the final point in the formation of the Uzbek people. They already were called "Uzbeks", as they saw themselves as citizens of the state of Uzbek Khan.
The Uzbeks on the map of the world appeared as the Uzbek nation state in 1428.
But there are several other hypotheses of the origin of the word "Uzbek".
On G. Vernadsky's opinion, the term Uzbek was one of self-names of "free men." He suggests that the term "Uzbeks" was used as a self-united "free people" of various occupations, languages, religions and origins. He wrote: name Uzbek means "master of himself", meaning "free man".
The Uzbek language
Formation of the Uzbek literary language is comprised of three historical periods: ancient Turkic literary language, old Uzbek and modern Uzbek language. In the 15th century, thanks to the attempts and works of Alisher Navoi, the old Uzbek language became the united and developed literary language, which rules and traditions have been preserved until the end of the 19th century.
Radical changes in socio-economic and cultural life of the Uzbek people positively affected in the evolution of the modern language. A significant place is occupied by the amount of borrowed international terminology, new words are created.
Lifestyle of Uzbek people, their way of survival in certain social settings played the crucial role in their formation. Different working conditions, economic and other relationships, the process of peoples' dialogue developed certain habits, techniques and methods that became traditions of the Uzbek people.
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