Qurama range

Qurama mountain range, Uzbekistan: geographical location
The Qurama range, which is a extension of the north-western spurs of the Tien-Shan, occupies the extreme northern part of the country.
The Qurama range serves as a watershed between the rivers Syr Darya and Akhangaran. The average height of the range is 2000 meters, the highest point - 3745 meters. From the south-east the range borders the Akhangaran valley. At the foothills of the Qurama range there is Almalyk city. The south-western extremity of the Qurama range, gradually falling, comes to the Syr Darya in Tajikistan. Here, small spurs of the Qurama range have such mountain names as Okbel, Karamazar, Altyntopkan and Mogoltau. Mogoltau mountains are considerably lower than the Qurama range.
North-western slopes of the Qurama range are located in Tashkent region. In the north-east the Qurama range sides with the Chatkal range.
The length of the Qurama range is about 170 kilometers and a height of individual peaks reaches 3769 meters.
The western end of the Qurama mountains is called Karamazar. This region is well known for deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals.
Minerals of the Qurama mountains in Uzbekistan
The bowels of Uzbekistan are rich in various minerals. There are about 100 kinds of minerals. In reserves of copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, fuel gas and other mineral resources Uzbekistan takes one of the leading places.
The Qurama range is rich in deposits of copper, fluorite, molybdenum, bismuth; noble metals - gold and aluminum. Precious and semi-precious stones are also mined in the area of the Qurama mountains. They are topaz, turquoise, rhodonite, rock crystal.
Fossil riches of Angren-Almalyk district were known in ancient times. The extraction started here in the Bronze Age. Traces of mountain crafts were found in many places in the form of hundreds of abandoned mines, huge dumps of mines, slag mountains, ruins of mine settlements and ancient towns. Karamazar ore district had been known since ancient times - from the V century BC. In the VIII-X centuries AD mining is developing rapidly due to the beginning of the growth of lead-silver and gold deposits. In ancient mine Lashkarek in the Qurama mountains (2500 meters above sea level) a large ancient metallurgical point was discovered. There are some underground mines at a depth of 300 m., and taken out of them, the amount of rock and ore is estimated at about 300 thousand cubic meters.
Relief and vegetation of the Qurama range
On the Qurama range the middle relief is dominating. At an altitude of 2300 meters there are coniferous and deciduous forests, juniper woodlands, walnuts grow on the northern slopes; here are alpine meadows and fescue steppes and on the lower slopes there are steppes and xerophilous bushes.
The slopes are poorly dissected: the valleys of the south - eastern slopes have elevation changes of about 1000 meters with extent of 25 - 40 kilometers. Rivers of the north-western slope flow in the river Akhangaran; rivers of the south - eastern slope are earmarked for irrigation and do not reach the Syr Darya.
There is no glaciation on the Qurama range; in the upper reaches of the gorges and the highest peaks there are snow fields. Alpine meadows occupy the zone, adjoining to the crest of the Qurama range.
Deep drop between the Qurama range on the south side and the western part of the Chatkal ridge is occupied by the valley of the Angren river, flowing from the Angren plateau.
There are more than 20 simple passes of 2000 to 3172 meters height (Kensaz pass). In large areas traverse along the crest of the ridge can be met.
Historical facts about the Qurama mountains
In the XVI-XVIII centuries the valley of Angren and the Qurama mountain range were the scene of numerous clashes between various militant groups that claimed power in the Fergana valley and in Tashkent. Among them there were troops of Shaybanid and then Ashtarhanid rulers, Kazakh sultans, units of local tribal chiefs and various mercenaries. Fightings were accompanied by population movements, the expulsion of some residents and resettlement of others in their place. So in one of the gorges the appearance of the military unit and its power attempt to establish themselves here looks plausible at oshobin tradition.
At the beginning of the XIX century, the residents of the Qurama mountains were "famous" not only for looting caravans that came from Tashkent to Ferghana and back, but also for active participation in sectarian strifes. So, the Qurama foothills were in the midst of hostilities between the Kokand ruler Alimkhan and Tashkent ruler Yunus-Hoja. In Akhangaran valley, at the foothills and mountains of the Qurama range large recreation areas are created Clean air, mountains, juniper and birch forests, clear streams and waterfalls attract tourists and vacationers at any time of rest.
Peopletravel Company will arrange tours of different orientation: trekking, hiking, mountain skiing tours along the Qurama range in Uzbekistan.
To know more about the Qurama range, please, book tours to Uzbekistan and see the Qurama mountains. While making a trip to the Qurama range you will manage to make Qurama mountains photos. The obtained impressions will long remain in your hearts.
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